23 March, 2011

Anger is costly...

Since, I can remember I have known anger to be extremely costly in other words you can say it is a luxury for those who can afford...

Because every time you get angry it comes with a price tag.

Very Costly
Somethings money can't buy for those things you pay forever.

Someone's  irritates you, your  blood boils and you thrash that person.. or if you work for them you quit or if its your spouse you divorce them...

These are the   things which after sometime may seem irrelevant.

Your partner's irritating you on the fon... you throw the fon BOOM.. fon gone. but  partner's there and you are not even angry now... What to do??? somethings gone are just gone.

You may have noticed the people who get angry on silly irrelevant things are mostly on their own who will want bear them and WHY????

Because there is nothing in this world what you can get from me and only from me....
Every damn thing has an replacement...

So, I hope to keep anger aside and not be replaced.

Because i can be replaced you can be replaced ... every damn thing can be replaced.

Beware.. and don't be angry unless necessary...

or You are desperate to be replaced ;)
(like there was a person in my life who would do the same things and irritate me, con me in the same way but very sweet talker.. i let that happen few times.. but then enough is enough So... )

19 March, 2011



In the times of Swiss lewis, tax max, wiki mikki, 3G2G,


I money u money eat money sell soul money…

The circle of life on money…

Days getting darker and nights even more…

Who keeps all bright and who helps the axis roll,

In this crazy dazy hazy world… who cares?

Who cares? More than Swiss and lewis

About others?

Who cares? About others before themselves ….

Who? Cries when others do, who bleeds when other do????

Few very few…

Who labors continuously and sincerely….

First few days for their stomach… and rest few days for others…

Who lives for their own dignity as well as trying to get it for others too…

Who thinks everyone who breathes should be treated as one????

Few very few?????

I know one of those fews….

Lucky to know one.

Lucky because they are the ones who help keep the circle of life on axis…

Few drops can make an ocean…

I just hope these few keep on believing this;

I just hope these drops of love make an ocean of love one day.

Sonu Anand

08 March, 2011

Explorer of life.

It's been a long time.. a very long time. It seems i have made it a habit of apologizing for the long gaps in my blog entries.  i should start like this without any explanation and everything will be explained on its own......

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Sonu Anand... who was clueless :)))))))))) about life and what to do with the one he was in control of. He wanted something perfect and in this cause he kept fighting the odds which were many. His friends became enemies and enemies didn't seem to care about him anymore as they felt he had made one worst enemy anyone could have i.e himself.  He kept his wellwishers always worried about what he will make of himself. He has been a person who had been given proper support for whatever he wished but he wanted a perfect everything. He ruined many of his productive years by looking for picture perfect life not realizing that life is not still it is moving... you can have a perfect moment but not life.... So, one day he stopped looking for perfection in himself and others. because there is no bar for perfection He realized a person can do only one thing what he is capable of.. it may be less it maybe more. No reason to cry over it as they say he accept himself as himself  and then the code for success was broken and he became accepted by one and all. Hence, he lived happily ever after ... :))  Welllllll almost ;))

Recently, i read  David Copperfield by Charles Dickens ...It started with this line will like to share it.... It goes like this....

WHETHER I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show.

A Stories Journey

  Every story has a journey. Every story has it's own path that it will take to reach it's destination.   Every story is like a rive...