22 June, 2009

Where am I ???????????????????

I am not writing.
I have just completed my Graduation this month.
Waiting for my result
figuring what to do
Having fun ,
and waiting for real life to begin?????????????????????

Sonu Anand


Rashmi said...

Hey!!! best luck for your results buddy i am sure you'll do good.

Prats said...

Best Wishes for a new phase of life...

and as Steve Jobs Put it long back-
Stay Hungry and Stay Foolish

Smita said...

Enjoy this phase!!!!

Later it will be a total roller coaster ride :)

Good Luck!!!

sonuanand17 said...

thank you, thank you, thank you.............


A Stories Journey

  Every story has a journey. Every story has it's own path that it will take to reach it's destination.   Every story is like a rive...