15 July, 2009

OH God ! why was i so mean???????????????

I was 7-8 years old. I with my brother had gone to a sweet shop. We were to purchase mithais there especially prepared by them. That sweet was so famous and it was in a village and who ever passed that place would buy it. Why we were there. My father being a doctor would get transferred to weird places and this one was a block called Chauparan, Hazaribagh district, Jharkhand state. I was studying in Kurseong, Darjeeling at that time and we had three months winter break Dec-feb. because of snowfall.

Now that we were in a village. I was sad............ i couldnot get whatever i wished for.....
Now, coming back to the point.
when we were at the shop there was a small kid who was a sort of help in that sweet shop and for some reason he started laughing. And i looked at him and didn't like it... I felt he is laughing looking at me . I felt maybe he was looking at my shoe.... and laughing........ Weird and pathetic me.

While we were going back to our place , I told my brother that i am not going to wear this shoe because he was laughing at it....... My brother tried to convince me and i think i didn't wear it again.....
Can't remember any another incident but yes i have done many things which i hate and feel i had not done.... because it hurt someone else..... When we are in the real world and someone else shows meanness then we realize what we have been doing or even before that....... There are two ways in which a person can react .......... He can be more mean or become more polite.... I choose the later.
I am a Happy man.
Sonu Anand

PS. my dear brother it would be nice if you could add your side of the story too in the comment section....


Prats said...

As a kid a lot of behavior is weird and as a matter of fact a lot of times it is a milestone defining our behavior for our rest of your life.

Its good to have realizatons and lessons from past :-)

Smita said...

I agree with Prats. As kids our actions were driven more by our hearts than our minds :-)

sonuanand17 said...

true true..... i agree with u guys...

smita u say we took decisions from our heart that means i was mean at heart.. :-)

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