02 October, 2010

Hold my Hand, Walk by my side.

Oh my dear, hold my hand, walk by my side,
be with me when I'm in need, when I'm in pain,
be my everything, be my sunshine,
be what sun is to plants,

Hold my hand walk by my side....

Save me from plotters,
guide me through their plots and sub-plots,
make my innocent mind aware of their crookedness,
hide me from their evil eyes,
keep me safe in your embrace...

Hold my hand walk by my side.....

I am not in need of false fame,
i am not interested in bad money,
i am not interested in only winning,
I am not interested in betraying others for my gain...

Please hold my hand walk by my side....

I want to be alive,
I want to live my life,
I want to experience every moment,
I want to live in present,
I need your support to be  my guide,
A Friend, An Umbrella,

Saving me from the unpredictable rain of hate and jealously always...

Oh my dear, please hold my hand walk by my side

I need you to be my master, my friend what ever there is to be ...

I want you to be....

You have to hold my hand and walk by my side

as for me you are my reason of being, you are my universe.

Sonu Anand

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