31 May, 2012

too many eyes!!!

Too many eyes!!!  Too many invisible walls!!!

I walk around
I talk to people
I hear them
I think
I see
I can go anywhere I want to
I can do whatever I want to
As you say to me
I am a free man
I don’t think so
I am a prisoner of you
I am a prisoner
I am never free and will never be

Too many eyes !!! too many invisible walls!!!

All the eyes that stare me
All the thought that provoke me
All the talks that ridicule me
All the ears that analyze me
All the tongues that talk about me
Makes me a prisoner
Of the invisible walls
The prison guards are the eyes
That are always vigilant
That are always judging
That are always taunting

I feel

The walls are crushing me..
I will never be free
Nor will you

Too many eyes !!! too many invisible walls!!!

Won’t let me or you
All the actions
All the responses
Everything i do is just the exact response
That the prisoner in the state prison does
All the thoughts and words that we feel, say or write are
An slaves reaction
A   …

Also the obligation to finish this poem in a proper way ;
 when I feel  I am done and have nothing to say
Nothing else
But  a response

Too many eyes, too many invisible walls

I will try to break free
And be free
Wont finish it this time…
Call me a rebellion an idiot or whatever you will
But I wont fall in line this time
I will do what pleases me not care about you..
Or this response also matches the slaves reaction to be proved
To be proven free.


What a circular life…

Such a big universe still nowhere to go…
Just my well and my fellow frogs…
Welcome aboard to the prison of life..
Let me know if you find a way out…
Through the philosophies, books or even your stubborn ness..
When your done pass on the key to me…
I will be indebted to you all my life…


What the hell!!

Too many eyes; too many invisible walls…

Not a clue which way to go..

A Stories Journey

  Every story has a journey. Every story has it's own path that it will take to reach it's destination.   Every story is like a rive...