28 June, 2022

Writing as a process..

 My blog here is a proof that though I write. I have issues with sitting to do the act. As the frequency of the posts are sparse. I sometimes wonder about all the acting roles that I have done. Would I have completed them if I knew that I could escape it. Acting is a group activity you do it with other people so there is a social stigma attached with pissing off so many people with writing you are usually dealing with yourself. So, when you give up it is your shame. A personal one. I have pissed off so many people with not honoring my writing commitments that I have lost count. Though I have completed every project that I was paid for. The fact that I need money I struggle through the hell my mind puts me through and I come out on the other side.  So, even though I would like to give up but since I have already spent the money. I have no other way than to write. All the scripts that I have written have been reviewed well. The biggest critic I have I feel is inside,  me. I know that if I sit and write I would succeed in coming up with a decent script but sitting is a problem. 

I read somewhere, "A page at a time, A day at a time". This gives me hope. Also I understand that to achieve any kind of success you need a mental discipline to go through what makes you most uncomfortable. With acting I was able to do that because the commitment was with other people and I had to fulfill it and now I have fun with it. The most difficult part is over I have done enough roles well that even if I know I can't do something well I understand by experience I will be able to pull through as I have past experiences to rely on. With writing all my good experiences have not been of any use. I can't shake of the feeling that I am going to fail. 

But One thing that I understand is that if I do it. It will be fine. This is one reason I am able to do some projects. One that I am writing and the narration is tomorrow. I know that I will be able to pull through. What else is there to do The shoot is planned in October and we are going for scouting of the locations. So yes there is no other way but to do it. Also the money has been spent long back. 

I will check in tomorrow and update about how it turned out though I am clueless at the present moment. See ya in 30 hours.  

After 60 hours..

Ola, Friends.. I did manage to write and write well that was accepted and loved. 

So rules to be a writer.. 

1. Don't be scared of the blank page..

2. Scribble in a side document If you need to.. 

3. Write Random stuff around or of the story. 

4. Once you feel ready, start on the main document. 

5. Use Music if you are distracted. 

6. Stop checking messages. Every time you check a message it takes more than 20 minutes to regain the flow. 

7. Lock the door and write. It is okay if you are not making too much sense. 

8. Fear is inherent. The fear of being a terrible writer will never go away. Face it. 

9. Keep talking to yourself. Once you have a victory share it. Like I am doing now. 

10. Remember, Writing is possible only if you sit down. So take a seat and type away. 

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