17 August, 2017

The Love I Love

The Love I love

is not second guessed.
is not something to be understood
is not confusing
is not a maybe

the Love I love

is electric
is powerful
is magnetic
is firm

The Love I love

makes my heart warm.

It doesn't instill fear, whether It is real or not.

The love I love is not a rolling of the dice.

It is not something  I would know by plucking flower petals one by one.

If it is not hundred percent I don't want any of it.
If it is not sure, then is it love?

The love I love pulls me and there is nothing I can do about it.

This is the kind of love I love.

I want to be pulled I want to feel the energy.

I won't spend days and nights thinking if it is there or not.

The Love I love is definite, clear and shines like a crystal.

If it doesn't shine I don't want any of it.
If I have to contemplate I don't want any of it.
If I have to weigh it's worth I don't want any of it.

The love I love is Bang on.

It is something that needs no words.

The Love I love won't have me impress

Because love is love, it needs no artificial ingredients.

The Love I love is natural. It just happens and no one can do anything about.

If it is only in my heart I will crush it brutally
If it is only in yours, you should too.

The Love I love is equally in yours and mine.
and there is nothing we can do about it.

If you know of a love like that.
If you have ever felt a love like that.

Then we can sit and talk.

or else let it be.

It maybe difficult to survive without love but
I want no half measures.
What I seek is magic.
If you seek it too.
Maybe we can look for it together.

Because The love I love is not in our hands.
Because The love I love shuts the logic.
Because the love I love needs no words.


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