04 January, 2018

connection & the actor

I always wondered about connection. How important it for us to be connected. Recently a friend told me. Meditation, solitude, reading. looking inside yourself and all is good. but you understand yourself when you engage with others.

 I agree. 

you get to know yourself by absorbing everything connection brings to us. by secluding yourself you will have one dimensional view of yourself which is mostly not true. no matter how brave and uplifted we feel we are we all are pulled by those basic emotions(fear,greed & love). it is only by engaging in a dialogue or association that you learn bout the blind spots you have. which may result in you rectifying or something. 

As an actor too i have felt it is important to feel the ups and downs as much as we can. so that when  we are emoting them for the character it is something you have lived and not borrowed  from someone else. 

though, i agree we can't experience every possible permutation and combination but our experience will be richer and this results in using our experiences to built, to check if we are on the right track. 

if we seclude ourselves completely. growth is not possible in life or art. connection is very important. 

for the fear of fall we can't stop walking. we can only learn through our ups and downs and grow. 

We may feel we understand certain things and situations but we are mostly blind using our assumptions. let it hit you. grow through the hurt, through the betrayal, through the love, through every thing possible. 

bottling things inside will only make you crazy. 

so open up. you will fail, you will win. but you will be moving. that is important. 

stagnation is death. assumption that you know it all is death. 

the biggest fact to understand about our life is that  we are clueless. let life work through you. 

rather than letting your blocks work through you. which will give you the same results over and over again. 

Open up and connect with life. 

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