"You're wrong" means i don't understand you , I 'm not seeing what you're seeing - and i'm not seeing all of you there is to see. But there is nothing wrong with you You are where you need to be, doing what you need to be doing, and although i may take steps to protect myself or others, i do not know all and therefore am literally inadequate to judge.
Hugh Prather
Book-Notes to myself
Nice one right.
Good and Happy Day
Sonu Anand
I agree with the saying.
Actually, I believe that there's nothing called RIGHT and WRONG.
The value of an event, thing or saying of being RIGHT and WRONG is not fixed to it. It varies from different aspects to various other factors. It changes from perception to perceptions. It changes from cultures to traditions.
Like for example... when we were in school, we used to learn there are nine planets in milky-way and pluto was a part of it. And it was right. But now, children are learning that there are more than nine planets in milky-way and pluto is not a planet. Instead, its just any other celestial body just like an asteroid or dead star. And this is also right.
But now if I say to the young children of this generation that 'Pluto is a planet'.... they'll straight forwardly say that 'You're WRONG'
Another example is that... the hindi word "Baapu" means Gandhiji in Gujarat and elsewhere. In Gujarat, ppl use the word 'baapu' to address elderly ppl with respect. But the same word has a different meaning in Mumbai. Here, its a SLANGish word to address with not so much respect. Ppl say.."ae baapu, zara side pe khisak".
So what i want to say is that different things have different meanings, values, etc etc with changing time, person, generation, place and many other things. So next time, whenever somebody say "You're wrong"... don't feel offended. Just think... that the opposite person is not able to see or perceive what you are able to, just like what Sonu has mentioned in his post.
BTW, am Sujit. Unfortunately, I stay with Sonu in Mumbai. We share the same flat in the city. Oh ya... even i've got a blog, you can visit at http://www.netsujit.com
Like Sonu, i don't write much about philosophies and all. But now I m thinking to do so...
thanks dude!
for being here, by the way dude YOU're WRONG it is solar system. there are 9 planets in solar system and our solar system is in milkyway galaxy.
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