22 October, 2009


i am feeling good these days ..... why

because i have discovered the reason .....

i was wondering and was almost sure that there has been a problem in my approach towards work and people .....

now, i know...

few days back i was talking to my brother and we were discussing my work and things in my life....

He pointed out what was wrong.....

He said "i was compromising my self respect while working"

And he was true.... i did do that i never replied to my seniors even they were wrong...

fearing the reaction ....

or taking forward the saying " boss is always right"

but now i know i can't work that way ....

i may earn lesss but i need to be happy.... and that can come only if i maintain my self respect....

So, I am really happy that i discovered the flaw in my approach....

So, congratulations to me for a less complex future.....

and thank you Guddu Bhaiya......

Sonu Anand


Smita said...

Hmm good that you have realised that :-)

Our work environment is such that we are conditioned into believing boss is always right, there would be situations where you can not protest but then one should never compromise in principles just to support the boss!!!

sonuanand17 said...


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