05 March, 2010

Is it ????????

Hi God!!!

How are you?
must be fun up there..
Here, I am good.
No complaints today...
Just wanted to converse..
Confused about a few things...

Clear this first of all,
You are one we all know that
then why????
Did you allow N no. of faiths to flourish...
You could have send someone to clear this...

Or is it true that;
there are N no. of heads up there....

Is it??????

I love you, I always have.
Always believed you....
Admire you for the fairness you have bestowed me.
I completely believe you exist as you have always shown me the right path...

So does various others of other faiths other than yours.

My grandpa and their grandpa have killed each other many a times,
just to prove their faith is reality and not a myth....

I told my friends you are very fair;
as you have never intervened between the fight of the faiths...
that questions your existence.

Is it that all faiths are true or all of them are same...

because a guy told me his god is going to punish me for following you....
I told him the same... haaa haaa

By the way, i know you are not going to answer this;
as you expect us to use our brain, the intelligence you gave us.....

We can't
Not on subjects related to you...

Decisions we take are decided by one of the two parts of the precious body
you gave us; Heart & Brain...

All the decisions related to you are taken by the heart...
that's a default set by you as you created us....
this is what i believe.

Do you know we have got smarter,
few of us can use the brain too... on subjects related to you...
but that results in innocent life's....
can't help it.
Devil sends his men too,
who disguise as your men.

God, you will be happy with me,
One day i was discussing you with a friend of different faith.
I realized two faiths can't be discussed without breaking of heart....
I suggested silence on comparisons of you and your different names.

You have kept mum,
You know everything,
You know whether you are one or you have competitors,
or is it just the case of different names.

You have been silent;
So should we,
Is it ???????

You won't tell,
You want us to use our hearts.
But some will use their brain too,
Can't help it.......

As devil sends his men too...
and you know that...

Love you always...
and in any condition.
But i do wish,
you do something about this soon.......

Sonu Anand


Anonymous said...

Though I am not much into the poem thing.... But Watever I Read Here was Really very Good Mr. Sonu Anand ;)

sonuanand17 said...

thank u mr ya ms. Anonymous :)
hope to see ur name next time

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