28 April, 2010

i hate it when we try to do things for other people's happiness. Forcefully, we can't work for someone else's happiness

Burdened for life???

I close my eyes,

I can see,

I can sense,

Thousands of thoughts crawl past me.

Most of it relates to my dealing with humans.

I was born to humans,

So, I am burdened for life to behave like one.

I have a tendensity to ask myself.

Why me? Why only me??

Why should I be the perfect picture of humanity.

Why should I acknowledge the heart?

When I don't see others doing so.

Why is that I am aware of the difference;

between humans and other species.

Whereas others are not.

What made me aware?

Why this punishment only for me?

Why can't I forget the truth?

Why I am burdened for life to behave like a human?

This realization is very cruel

This burden is very heavy.

Sometimes this is termed as fake,

Sometimes this is termed as overdoing.

But every time it is termed as trying to show myself

Worthy, Intelligent, and so on….

Is behaving like a human so rare;

That it is termed to be an extraordinary state.

When I ask myself,

What is this realization,

The answer comes is….


Realization is not weighed.

It is felt…...

When communicating with others:

Adjusting to the sentiment of the other human,

Acknowledging their pain,

Accepting their stupidity,

Bending without getting broken;

To adjust the other one's ego.

It's all good.

All fine with me.

The feeling that:

I am burdened for life for being a human arises,

When a new realization strikes me….

That the other one I am dealing with is a human too....

The problem starts here....

The question is:

Why me? Why only me???

Why can't the other one

Acknowledge their human genes too?..

Why they have to use the residue genes of their last birth.

Why can't I behave like them.

Why I have to pay the price for being a genius.

Who understands what humanity is all about.


Why I have to be burdened for life

To behave like a human.

Someone says be brilliant

But don't show your brilliance.

Be smart but don't show your smartness.

All you have to do not be a dumb,

But act as one.

The burden will be felt but it's impact will be less.

& so called humans will be happy too..

& you lead a successful, happy, stress free and weightless life.

You will float like a feather inside the human body.

But to not be burdened for life,

You need to act in real life.

Sonu Anand.


sonuanand17 said...

i think i am ready

sonuanand17 said...

i don't quite agree with it now... i believe.. being yourself is the best state to be in irrespective of what others judge you to be... I believe i have to be true to myself and nothing else.

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