08 July, 2011

Youths of today ...listen... listen... TO THE GYAN OF BLOODY past present and future..

Youths of today ....listen
bloody i am youth tooo......

i am under 25 or more than that  who cares but the truth is what ever

what matters
nothing matterss

all matters is you, do whatever you want to do.
 don't give a daaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmm
earn ,, eat feed yourself ..... have a place to live... nothing else matters

the only thing that matters is you

 live life like you want to live...
see things as you want to seee
do what you want to do...
be freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
freeeeee from
and bull shit....what matters is YOU!!!!!!!
listen youth of today:
i am a youth too..... under 25 or more
it doesn't matter.....
 What is truth??????
the real truth
and the real truth is that
we are youth of today
& oldies of future.......

don't be a ****** (use ur favourite one)  and say when old, in our times, in our times, in our times

bloody hell youth of today live your life like you want to live
don't be jealous of the youth of future...
when an ghostly youth....
 like youth ghosts of past are of us now

live your life on your terms as
the energy, the will, the desire , the power:
 to the touch the infinite ....
won't come back once it goes...

as what goes goes ...
in terms of time...
it is irreversible truth...

as it is well said there are no ONCE MORE'S in real life...

live like you see yourself living
fight  for it; die for it
work hard for it... give yourself for it...

completely 100% percent... nothing less..
as anything else...
doesn't matter.... it really doesn't

do whatever comes to your mind

just do it!!!!!!! as they say say

to ruin the party let me add



indian bullshit or american or world bull shit or use earth here bull shit will be bull shit.....

what i mean to say is that if you care you are damned...
bull shit Don't care, don't think just live live live

 till you  live....


1 comment:

Ujjwal said...

NICE! was it for me? i felt like it is. . . loved the first half. . . keep writing good luck :))

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