26 November, 2011

my profile says "PROFESSIONAL ACTOR". - 2

I had thought i will share how i worked on my role. but  when i started it seems to be a personal secret that i am finding difficult to put it to paper.

but i need to give you something...

When i started i couldnot help being me... but as the days progressed i got to know more about the characer Nawab's life... the best way an actor can portray a character is knowing almost the same amount of information he has about himself.....

the more information you have the better the portrayal...

the walk the voice, the attitude all comes with the information.

Detailed Information is the key. Know everything that needs to be known... EVERYTHING....

After this it is a cake walk...


25 November, 2011

my profile says "PROFESSIONAL ACTOR".

Not one post regarding that. May be there were few entries regarding should i pursue it... how should I go about it and maybe giving my self  the hint of confidence that I can do it.

Recently, I got a role in a theater play. Though I was among the people who had started the theater group but i got an opportunity to be part of a film shoot as Asst. Dir. So i took it up. So, I asked my friends to go ahead with the play. So i was busy with the shoot and when i went back to the play.

The director had quit. So, one of the partners who was most experienced took over and since he was also doing a role. He asked me to take over his role but i tried to convince him to do it as the performance was in his home town and also i was also a bit irritated the way one of the other partners had behaved on my absence because of the shoot.

The play we are doing is a  adaptation of French play "Boeing Boeing". Where the caretaker of the house is a lady but here in the hindi version caretaker is a man.

One line synopsis of the play. is A guy Sameer is dating three Air hostesses at the same time and the caretaker and cook of the house Nawab helps him keep the arrangement in place. The whole arrangement loses its  balance when his old childhood friend Jagdish pays a visit. comes. and a storm delays and cancels the flights and results in his fiances coming home at the same time.

The first day i played Nawab and today after almost a week things are different very different.

when i started the reading i emoted well with the requirement of the text but as we went on the floor next day... i was all awkward and bad..

As the lines started getting imprinted on the slab stone of my memory i started getting more confident and more good with my act.

A lesson i have learnt during my training days real work starts only after the actor is line perfect. he maybe preparing the character but the lack of confidence that forgetting of lines is unmatched.

Talk to you tomorrow feeling sleepy.


14 November, 2011


बहूत दिनों बाद मैं वापस आया हूँ..
आज ये, कल वोह, परसों कुछ, तरसो कुछ और...
वहाँ पहुचने की हड़बड़ी में,
जहाँ का पता भी मेरे पास नहीं था...
कितनी दूर चला गया था मैं..
इसके नजदीक, उसके नजदीक, सबके नजदीक...
पर खुद से बहूत दूर....
उन को अपनी मंजिल समझ रहा था,
पर वो तो लंबे रास्ते के पडाव ही थे...
कितना वक्त लगा मुझे यह समझने में की,
मैं एक मामूली सा मुसाफिर हूँ...
मंजिल तो बस एक ख्याल है..
और चलना मेरा काम है...
साथी केवल एक हैं....
बाकि तो   सब मुसाफिर है बिल्कुल मेरी तरह,
चल रहे है अपनी अपनी मंजिल  की ओर..
किस के पास वक्त है अपनी मंजिल के अलावा कही और देखने भर का भी..
बात सही है मेरे पास भी वक्त कहा है...
आज मैं यहाँ हूँ कल वहाँ...
तो क्यूँ मैं उन्हें रोकने की कोशिश करता हूँ...
या वो मुझे रोकने की...
कोई बात नहीं अब मैं समझ गया हूँ....
मैं था  खुद से दूर, बहूत दूर...
पर अब मैं वापस आ गया हूँ और..
अब मंजिल नहीं बदलेगी....
मेरे पास बस खुद का साथ है और चलते रहना मेरा काम है...
बाकि सब बकवास है.....


A Stories Journey

  Every story has a journey. Every story has it's own path that it will take to reach it's destination.   Every story is like a rive...