29 November, 2012

losing myself!!!

Loy Saab, The feel for our Chetna Epi.

I am losing myself…

The control is slowly slipping away
Don’t seem to know where I go
What I do
I m living in a trance
The days are passing as if I am in a dream
 Can’t distinguish between the dream or the reality
My reality is you and everything things focused on you

Who am I

I seem to have forgotten
I only know who you are
You are the one whose presence makes me alive
As you go I am unconscious waiting for you to wake me up
I seem to have lost myself
Forgotten who I am
Only you are the truth
Only you are the reality
Nothing else exists without you

How am I going to live this life
I sleep walk with you in my mind all the time…
I am drowning in my own thoughts
Unable to breathe when I realize you are so far
When will my conscious break and I will turn sane or insane
I don’t know
But I know I am not in my senses

I am just dragging, hoping you come and hold my hand …
I will find my self when we are together..

Or I will always remain incomplete
Always unless you are a part of me..

You are my existence
You are the air I breathe
You are the soil I stand on
You are what is there for me
Everything is you and without you there is nothing

I am losing my self…

Help me
Oh please help me

Find myself
Or I will vanish in the thin air without any trace


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