29 April, 2013

just the smile... :-)

the suffocation in my lungs
that had always been there

unable to breathe
unable to walk
unable to see
unable to speak
unable to listen
unable to believe

freely, truly, crazily

that suffocation left me today
the doubt, the anger , the suspicion

on my world
on my city
on my colony
on my home
on my friends
on my family
on my lover

left me today
that suffocation left me today
as I awoke only a hint of suffocation was there
just a hint
telling me that the suffocation has left me

which made me doubt myself
which made me doubt my worthiness
which made me doubt my existence
which made me bitter

it left me today
that suffocation left me today..

as the sun, woke me up with it’s first rays..
I looked out of the window
Took a deep breath
And realized that the suffocation had left…
And that I was perfect
I needed no change
I vaporized then
I mixed into the universe
At that moment
I realized the truth of my existence…
I and the universe are the same..
I am the universe and the universe is me..

There is no bifurcation
There shall be no fight
There shall be no tears
There shall be no jealousy

Because everyone is me and I am everyone.

This realization set me free
And I could breathe myself

I could dissolve
I could float
I could fly
Go anywhere
Be with anyone

Because there is no VIBGYOR 
There’s just the rainbow
Rainbow is the only truth
There is no red, white, black, yellow, orange, purple..

And as I floated inside myself..
The make believe lips of mine
Generated a smile
And that smile was carved on my make believe face
like the stone paintings of the past
to remain etched forever

now the universe is smiling…
&  what remains is
just The smile..
just the smile..
                    -   SA 

24 January, 2013


Renoir hated the cliché. He would quote his father about
bringing an idea into existence. "If you paint the leaf on a tree
without using a model," Renoir told us the great Impressionistic
painter once said, "your imagination will only supply you with a few
leaves; but Nature offers you millions, all on the same tree. No two
leaves are exactly the same. The artist who paints only what is in his
mind must very soon repeat himself." If you look at Renoir's great
paintings, you'll see what he meant. No two leaves, no two flowers,
no two people are ever painted in the same way

08 January, 2013

Fragile Friend...

                                                     Fragile Friend…
              "A friend in love with you is your Fragile friend. Handle with Care”

Love is all around you and yes, Love actually does exist but sometimes it may not be for you or you or you. It will be there but of use to you, like mismatched pair of clothes, mismatched pair of shoes. You may see it but will not be able to use it.

What happens then,

Falling asleep with tearful eyes Shalini had asked, Atul what is wrong, we would talk so much, why don’t we talk these days..

“because when people meet for the first time they have a lot to share, maybe we completed our share of talks and don’t have much to exchange”.

After saying this and asking her about her day and a few other things, he said good night and cut the phone. She felt really hurt. She had fallen in love with him and he was behaving as if she was of no importance to him. She cried a lot that night. Her room mate asked her what was wrong. She said, nothing and switched off the light.  What could she say, the guy that I have been talking a lot about these days, going crazy for, has no feelings for me, I’m non-existent, I am a reject.

While Atul was not bothered he felt nothing about this situation because he had no feelings for her. She was a friend. In his mind, he never felt that she would be crying thinking about him. According to him, he had been fair towards her. Yes, they had met regularly, he may have considered being involved with her romantically but he didn't want to now, he had threw that idea out of his mind. He didn't seem to be on the same plane with her. He wanted to take a step back and include her among his group of friends. He would give her a special status of a close friend but that’s all he could do.  He was happy in his world, he was worried about his own problems. He was not empathetic to a problem that he didn't understand. Maybe, because he had never been in that position. He had never really loved a girl. He had his share of crushes but was unaware of love and he had not been in a situation where a girl had told him that she didn't feel for her and let’s be friends. So, he had no idea about her position. He had never been in love. He didn't know what it is to be in love and not being loved back. Lucky chap.

But Atul did know something. You get what you give. The hurt that he was  giving  Shalini, he will have to feel that to. Well, he knew this philosophy but he was not aware that he was hurting the girl because he was not bothered or aware about what was happening to her. So, even if he didn't come under the scanner of this one. This boy will have to have a bear a heart break. No matter how safe he played because when anyone  falls in love, they don’t know safe or dangerous. They just love and are vulnerable. It’s chance. There are 99% chances of a heart break. Atul was waiting for his.

The problem with Shalini was that in those 3 years that she spent with Atul, she never confessed her feelings. She hoped, he would fall in love with her. He would tell her that she is the most beautiful girl in the world and tell her how much in love he was. . But, it was not meant to be. There were a lot of things hindering their association. Her friends, his friends. No one interested in meddling in their relationship or friendship. Also, Since he didn't have the love fluid pumping in his brains. So, he could see her flaws.

Every time Shalini wanted something from Atul, he did or didn't depending on his mood. He would be blunt at times. Annoyed by her constant need for attention. He was not in love with her so the amount of care and attention he could give her was limited and her expectation was more because she was hoping someday he will realize her importance. He will be able to see me as I see him. He will be able to see me as a lover.
She knew how loved worked. It may happen, it may not. But she was ready to wait. For her, he was perfect. He was the one. She could not see his flaws. She could not see his coldness. His simple good gesture would make her heart warm. In his loneliness when he would call her and talk with an added interest, she would bring up her hopes. Her heart would start beating faster.

But the next day he would change, he would go back to being his old self. Slowly, he came to realize that she was totally in love with him. He contemplated, he thought, and by doing this he felt something. He might have considered his loneliness, his general lust for love and ruin her life by marrying her as when he would realize he didn't love her, what a miserable situation it would be for her to live with a person whom she loves so much. Who is her husband but so aloof. Who says he loves her, kisses her, makes love to her but never makes her feel  a thing. How sad it would have been for both of them.

He had planned to propose her, though he was not attracted to her, sexually or otherwise. He thought she is in my life and no one seems to come, it may be for a reason. I don’t seem to be in love with any other. Maybe I love her and by constantly thinking about her and giving himself the idea that he loved her. He created an illusion that he was in love.

Shalini was saved by her friend, Anita who was her close friend but hated her deep inside. She must have her reasons. Everyone has their reasons. She knew how madly Shalini was in love with Atul. The day before, he was planning to propose, by chance, he meet Anita  and hinted her about his intentions. She ignored that fact that she knew about their equation. She started giving out information about Shalini that did not make her look good. Some true Some false.

When, Atul met Shalini the next day. He decided against it. He said to himself, if I have to think then it is not love. Her hopes had died last night. She didn't know that, She was not aware. She didn't know it was best  for her. In fact, it is said it is better to marry someone who you don’t love and they don’t love you than marrying someone you love and they don’t love you. Because love may happen or it may not and if it doesn't then you are in a bad bad situation.

All this applies, if you are so desperate to get married otherwise you may wait for someone to come along whom you will love and they will love you too.

So, heartbroken Shalini didn't know the best thing had happened in her life. That Atul had finally ruled out any ideas of being in love with her. She couldn't understand that because she was completely in love and didn't have the capacity to think. She made another try with the help of a male friend. He called Atul and told him that Shalini is going out with a mad immoral dog.  She is going to ruin her life. Atul told him, why are you telling me all this, call her family.

He knew  Shalini was behind the call otherwise how will that guy have his number. He had never known that guy and before the call ended he had forgotten his name.  He was sad at her stupidity. He hoped, she would tell him that she loved him and he would make her understand that it is not possible. Set her free.  Simply, because he didn't love her and what else is important.

With time, Shalini could not bear the pain of being in company of Atul. It would pain her to see him ignorant of her love. She didn't blame him but she could not cope with it. That’s all. She slowly drifted apart from him. She broke all contacts with him. Slowly, she didn't want to be his friend anymore. He didn't understand why??? He understood after a while, after few years. He knew now that a person who is in love with you and you don’t. They are your Fragile friend. They always expect something more, not deliberately but their heart makes them. The heart never gives up the hope. He understood this when he fell in love. He knew now that your fragile friend had legal and mental rights to cut you off, to live maybe.

He didn't understand the effect one missed call, one un-replied message , one cancelled plan would have on her. He didn't understand that every time she heard him talk about another girl. Every time, she saw him eyeing another girl. Her heart broke into pieces.

He didn't know all this. He wondered why he had to lose a good friend. He didn't see her Fragile friend breaking every time he missed dozens of her calls and called her after weeks and behaved as if nothing had happened. He could not see her break into tiny tiny pieces because it was inside. It was inside her heart.

He did understand when he fell in love. He did understand what it means to be someone’s fragile friend. He understood her position. He was not angry with her now.

She on the other hand found a guy who loved her. Though, She didn't but thinking she understands what it means to be a fragile friend. She will be able empathize with him. Fall in love someday.

She didn't realize no one can feel another’s pain. Everyone has to live their own pain.

She didn't know her heart will always long for Atul. She didn't know a half complete story always stays. A complete one may fizzle out but what didn't happen will always be there. She didn't know all this. She had no idea and she married that guy.

Same goes for Atul though he had the first hand experience of being a fragile friend and having a fragile friend earlier but he will to never be able to handle a fragile friend perfectly. No one can. You are not on the same wave length.

What is Fragile will get cracked, broken time and again. You can’t help it. You can only handle with care that’s all.

The next time Atul has a Fragile friend he will handle with care but won’t be able to stop her tears because a fragile one is illogical.

Poor Shalini is having a tough time handling her Fragile Husband. She hopes she falls in love with him so that She can play a good wife. But Poor Shalini is able to see all his flaws which love makes invisible or blurred. Making it difficult for her to make a transition from a sympathizer to a lover.She keeps pondering how do you fall in love with someone after you know them completely with all their plus and minuses. This question will haunt her like the hen and Egg question has haunted the human kind.

What came before the hen or the egg???

Hope, better sense prevails and she understands that Life is big and there are other important things in life than to erase the pain of your heart.

When there is heart, there is pain.

If she doesn't want to feel pain, she will have to erase her heart.

One thing for Sure they have understood. Fragility is in everyone. Everyone is a fragile friend. Everyone has a Fragile Friend.

Both of them in their Heart do understand one thing though.

“Lets take care of each other, Let’s Handle every one with care. Let’s ease the hurting hearts because you are, I am, all of us are in pain”.

Hope, he finds love and she falls in love with the husband. That's all there is to their tale.

1. No matter how hard you try you cannot keep your Fragile friend happy. So just be you. Be a friend. Don't try.

2.Kill the hope of your fragile friend, if you are sure about it and help them move forward. Ask them to look ahead.

3. If they order you to do this and that, Give them a reality check.

4. If you find them of psychotic kind and obsessive, go straight away to the police station. Get a restraining order and don’t take it lightly. Also don’t stress much about them. Medication will cure them. If not, not your problem. Chill !!!

5. Will come up with a sequel "Broken Friend", an obsessive lover is not your friend, they are not fragile they are broken. Don’t follow them around with fevicol let their folks do that, you stay away.

A Stories Journey

  Every story has a journey. Every story has it's own path that it will take to reach it's destination.   Every story is like a rive...