29 April, 2013

just the smile... :-)

the suffocation in my lungs
that had always been there

unable to breathe
unable to walk
unable to see
unable to speak
unable to listen
unable to believe

freely, truly, crazily

that suffocation left me today
the doubt, the anger , the suspicion

on my world
on my city
on my colony
on my home
on my friends
on my family
on my lover

left me today
that suffocation left me today
as I awoke only a hint of suffocation was there
just a hint
telling me that the suffocation has left me

which made me doubt myself
which made me doubt my worthiness
which made me doubt my existence
which made me bitter

it left me today
that suffocation left me today..

as the sun, woke me up with it’s first rays..
I looked out of the window
Took a deep breath
And realized that the suffocation had left…
And that I was perfect
I needed no change
I vaporized then
I mixed into the universe
At that moment
I realized the truth of my existence…
I and the universe are the same..
I am the universe and the universe is me..

There is no bifurcation
There shall be no fight
There shall be no tears
There shall be no jealousy

Because everyone is me and I am everyone.

This realization set me free
And I could breathe myself

I could dissolve
I could float
I could fly
Go anywhere
Be with anyone

Because there is no VIBGYOR 
There’s just the rainbow
Rainbow is the only truth
There is no red, white, black, yellow, orange, purple..

And as I floated inside myself..
The make believe lips of mine
Generated a smile
And that smile was carved on my make believe face
like the stone paintings of the past
to remain etched forever

now the universe is smiling…
&  what remains is
just The smile..
just the smile..
                    -   SA 

A Stories Journey

  Every story has a journey. Every story has it's own path that it will take to reach it's destination.   Every story is like a rive...