22 May, 2023

The Shadow

 Hide, Vanish, Burn

in the run.. 

of the race of rising. 

Hide, Vanish, Burn

in the run.. 

of the race of rising. 

From dust you shall rise.. 

You may be just a speck of dust.. 

just a tiny dust particle... 

But with time you grow into a storm

It is just one speck that rises

to the clouds to become the force to reckon with.. 

No matter how small you feel you are.. 

no matter.. how tiny,  how unworthy

keep moving 

keep learning

keep growing

keep collecting other specks and you shall become

bigger than you ever imagined. 

in the dark night as you walk

and moon showers it's light on you

you shall see yourself

you shall see your shadow rising 

As the shadow rises.. 

it gets bigger

Rushing towards the sky.. 

growing and growing 

After the dark night, as light falls on you

the shadow grows and touches the cloud.. 

but be aware 

that gravity doesn't release you 

that your feet remain in touch with the ground

only then shall you rise higher

or your shadow shall fluffer in the empty void of the infinite space..

So let the shadow grow and remain grounded

then only shall you live.. 

In real terms 

Not an imaginary life 

Not a myth 

Not a lie

You live the truth

So let the light fall on you 

let us see your shadow touch the sky 

but only if you remain grounded.. 

shall your shadow grow 

to unimaginable heights.. 

Hide, Vanish, Burn

in the run.. 

of the race of rising. 

Hide, Vanish, Burn

in the run.. 

of the race of rising. 


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