28 May, 2009



It is almost 20 days that i wrote about generally about my life, there was nothing to write. Or even if there was something, it was not worth sharing. It can't be that my life was Zero something has to happen. This post is going to be a bit long apologies. You can use your eagle eyes to scan it through as i know reading a long blog is a little difficult. So, i give you all the right to scan it but do read what you find worth.

Started with a namaste. We are not using this word these days and it's substitutes have taken place. When i was a kid my family wanted to say namaste to guests coming home. I used to feel shy and awkward maybe there was a feeling that they will think i am not a smart boy. I wanted to just pass their way run around showing my antics but not acknowledge their presence. Once, i said namaste to a aunty, her reaction was like "ok so this brat is getting to know what manner is". She didn't say anything or smiled, her reaction was like "HUH". I was like ok so if these people want it to be like this .So be it. I was wrong, now i realize i should not have judged the whole world based on person. Now, even when i call my father want to say a "namaste". I can't because i never cultivated that habit. So now even i know it is a good thing to do, and best way to start the conversation. I feel awkward. Awkward doing the right thing ?????????

Yes when you have the habit of doing things wrong. Doing the right way is awkward. Lets see I have started it now. Will do it when i call dad again. Best of Luck!!!!! Hope that dad will assume that i am saying "namaste" because i want to sound mannered and not that i have called to ask for money and trying to be too good and mannered. Too much from his son.

My big sister was the in charge of my behaving properly when i was a kid. I hated her. She was too strict. She is 7-8 years elder to me. So, she had the right too. I always questioned her authority. I was wrong. Once she was slapping me for a mischief that i had done. I blocked her hand. I was wrong. She never tried again. She let me be free after that. I regret that. She is the best sister i could have got. When she was married, i cried a lot. I was losing my sister.

I want share a incident but am unable to figure which one should i share with you guys.......

After at least 30 minutes of thinking and doing other things i have a incident.....

It was in i believe 5th standard. It was my birthday. Like every kid i was excited. Waiting for my gift and most eagerly to have a party in the evening. My sis was the event manager. She did all the preparations. I had school that day. I didn't want to go. I believe on your birthday you should not work but just chill out relax and enjoy but i was forced to go. Promised that everything will be taken care of. When we are small, we have the tendency to boast what we have. Donno where this comes from when we are small and knowledge less.

I came back and started inspecting the preparations. Hall well impressive. nice ballons and other decorative s. Kitchen okay, so, there is a lot which will surely impress my friends that i am well off. Now, the main main main.... thing ..........THE CAKE............... what the hell... sis had made the cake herself. it was not done. i told my family they have to call off this party. I am not going to cut the cake if it is not bought from the famous cake shop of Hazaribag, where i lived at that time. I was told they had tried , as they had missed ordering for it yesterday.... It couldnot be delivered today. I was creating a huge tamasha. I was crying and shouting and telling my sister why you had to show your talent on my birthday, you should do it on yours..... All this because the cake did not look as fancy like from the cake shop.

I was not convinced but i had to agree, friends had been invited. It was a good party. every kid had the cake twice. It was the most desirable thing on my birthday.......... reluctantly i had at last. It was nice. It was outstanding.

All this while, i didnot think of was what my sister was feeling. How she must have felt that after so much hard work and with so much love. She had for me, she did something for me i didnot acknowledge. I realize it today i was wrong. I didnot understand the love. I was wrong. I want to take this opportunity to say " Didi i am sorry, i know that you love me, and whatever you did from me was out of love, it was not necessary for you to do it but you did".

Hope she comes here and reads it and says she never felt bad, but i know she did.
Can i change what i did ....NO......but one thing i can do that is acknowledge what was done for me and remember that. and be good.

Sonu Anand.

PS. Blogging banned in China altogether. What a shame! my friend posted this on his blog i am sharing it with you guys:

China Imposes Blanket Ban on all Blogger Blogs

||-- May 27th, 2009 --- General --||

There are some 275 million blogs hosted on Blogger.com and all them have possibly been blocked in China.

china blocks blogger

This “crackdown” could have some relation to June 4, 2009, the day when the world will mark the 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square incident or it may even be a service disruption because Google is saying that they are “working to restore access to Blogger in China.”

In either case, users have been unable to access Blogger inside China since May 17th.

chinese bloggers on twitter

Blogging on Blogger from China

If you are inside Mainland China and need to publish new entries on your blogger blog, you can use the “post by email” option of Blogger or something like Posterous - email your articles to blogger@posterous.com and they will auto-post the message to your blog. Online blog editors (like the one in Facebook) can also help you write entries in blogger from anywhere.

source: netsujit.com


Prats said...

Nice Post!!!
I can understand how you feel about what you did years ago to your sister. You know what, its the irony of life that we take a lot of things granted early in our life only later to realize how Important they are to us.

Ps. You need to do some font color adjustment, I couldn't see post a comment link at all while viewing in Mozilla

sonuanand17 said...

thanks prateek,

will do that

Niraj Kumar Singh said...

Namaste Anand,
Its very difficult to say i love you not b'use of you donot feel it but you take it granted.Generally parents love always taken for granted,Once you taken it granted its very difficult to accept openly. It needs great courage to accept.
I am sure your sister must felt all this much before you wrote this.B'use those who love also understand.bye

sonuanand17 said...

hmmm, namaste bhaiya, thank you

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