23 May, 2009

Ok God ! lets talk

Ok God! lets talk

I know where you are
I know where i can find you
I know temple is not the only place
I know you are still inside me...

Ok God! lets talk

Dad said you are everywhere
Dad said you live in every human
Dad said you remain till the person is not corrupt
Dad said you are inside me, when i was a kid

Ok God! lets talk

he stopped saying when i grew up
he stopped when he noticed i am growing
he stopped when he saw me doing things i should not have done
he stopped when i started arguing with him

Ok God! lets talk

but i know you are still inside
but i know you forgave me
but i know you don't differentiate
but i know you love me

Ok God! lets talk

don't leave i am afraid
don't leave i feel i can go the wrong way
don't leave i need your guidance
don't leave i can't survive without your grace

Ok God! lets talk

i miss you when i back talk someone
i miss you when i am lazy
i miss you when i cheat
i miss you when i lie

Ok God! lets talk

Do you leave me when i am doing something i don't want you to know
Do you leave me when i curse or fight with my friend
Do you leave me when i miss use the resources you have given me
Do you leave me when i think bad thoughts

Ok God! lets talk

how do you feel when we use your name and kill each other
how do you feel when we sell your name
how do you feel when we take money in your name
how do you feel when we insult others who don't follow our faith

Ok God! lets talk

Do you get angry
Do you feel you should stop us
Do you feel we are crossing our limit
Do you feel you have had enough

Ok God! lets talk

i don't know about others but i promise
i don't know about others but i will try
i don't know about others but i will remain honest
i don't know about others but i can't survive without you

Ok God! lets talk

Sonu Anand


Anonymous said...

this one.. i like it..really nice.
Another gud one from u.

I liked especially the part where dad stopped tellin u things..
Nice one.

sonuanand17 said...

haaa haaa.........thanks

Unknown said...

Brilliant brother...I simply loved it...and I agree with Sujit...i too loved that part...

sonuanand17 said...


A Stories Journey

  Every story has a journey. Every story has it's own path that it will take to reach it's destination.   Every story is like a rive...