10 July, 2012

baby goat, green grass and her blissfull life.

A baby goat was grazing on the slopes…

Free of any thought

Free of any burden

Free of any attachment

The moment for the baby goat

Was her and the green grass

Only they two existed for her.

The baby goat unaware of her past or future

Was in bliss

In ecstasy …

Enjoying every bit of the green grass

She was unaware the winter would come in a few months…

She was unaware of the wolves that lived near by…

She was unaware of them all…

At the moment, it was only the green slopes full of green grass

The herdsman saw her in bliss…

And felt a touch of jealousy

He too hoped not to think of his future

Which he could not control anyway…

And forget the past as well, which too he could not change…

He saw her grazing and said to himself…

This moment, now…

My present is so blissful, so full of positivity, so full of love..

The sun is not so harsh

The herd is grazing..

I am too lying on the cushioned grass..

Staring at the trees..

Eating the mangoes that I have collected..

In spite of knowing,

My present is soooo beautiful

Why I’m not in bliss

Like that baby goat…

Why I cry over my past

Or sweat over the coming future…

As, these words were running through his head…

He noticed, the baby goat stopping and as she looked around

She said, “meee hhh meehhhh.” In bliss

And went back to grazing the green grass.


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