09 December, 2009

Almost three years....... 3.

Almost three years....... 3.

Everything in our life has a saturation point however good that be....... So after working for 2 years with the group my mind started drifting from the work that I did with all my heart. I couldn’t work with my heart as time had put in all kinds of experiences with the group good and slightly not good but it was never bad. Also the reason being I wanted to be a director and never took acting seriously otherwise there would have been no reason for drift away from the group. Now, I wanted to complete my college properly as I was losing my grades and work as assistant director in films. So that I can fulfill my clichéd dream of joining films but the way I wanted to do was not right because I was not mature enough to handle breaking from people who had become so close to my heart. I am not saying it just to say because even today whenever I am working Baaji is the first person to come to my mind. If I get any appreciation I can tell my family they congratulate me they are proud of me but I feel uneasy until I have called Baaji and talked to her about what I did. And when she says Keep it up beta, I am proud of you......... I feel great because she is my guru, who has taught me everything I know. She has seen me when I didn’t even the alphabets properly. Now when I can speak even a single line I want to make her happy that her effort is not going waste.

I was in this confused state of mind not knowing what to do..... Just then one day I got a call from Baaji that she has heard that I wanted to quit Ekjute........ I said ‘no’ I never said that to anyone but yes I had said that I feel I have learnt a lot and now I wanted to concentrate on my college and after that want to join some film making course and then do films...... I went and met Baaji and told her what was true...... She said I was told you wanted to join some other theatre group...... I said ‘nooooooooooo’ . She said ok..... and advised me to be careful what I say .....

I was really surprised that she trusted me and didn’t ask anything else... only advised me...

Which is not a common practice as most people by listening to one side only decide what must be the truth....

Don’t know what to write but I just want to say on 7th December’09, I completed 3 years with Ekjute theatre group and the time I have spent with the group has really been fruitful and will really be an inspiration for my future.....

I want to be part of the group forever......

Thankyou everyone.....

For making me come back and back to the group.....

on 30th I had gone to meet everyone after 1 month or so.... just for one day....just to meet....

I have been going there regularly after that adjusting my work timings..... for a week now.... :-)

Anyone wanting to join theatre or even films should have a EKJUTE experience....


Sonu Anand


Smita said...

Hmmm I guess the place where we learn the biggest lessons of our lives and gather wonderful memories always remains special for us and remains with us always even if are not there!!!

sonuanand17 said...

very true.....

A Stories Journey

  Every story has a journey. Every story has it's own path that it will take to reach it's destination.   Every story is like a rive...