25 December, 2009

Sharing please.....

When we were small kids.... We used to hear we must share with others whatever we have. It was like 'son, don't be so selfish' Even though it was not such a easy task but we learned to share all the good things we had on us.

I wonder why it is said we should not share things that are not so good....


Now i am talking here about our problems or the condition we have in our lives....

We are told share the happiness while try to keep sad things to yourself.

I don't think it is done just because we fear that we will be ridiculed by others...

why can't we take a chance try to share our sadness....

As, it is rightly said in a hindi proverb: Sadness decreases with sharing while happiness increases

The reason i wrote this post today is that one of my dear friend had an accident and he is living far-off from his family. He had a bike accident recently and had to be on (almost) bed rest for three weeks.... The thing is i came to know about it today and when i recalled i remembered i had called my friend on 1st or 2nd of December considering a visit to his place for a week but he seemed to be busy... so i dropped the plan...

Now, i come to know that he had a accident and had to cope with this problem alone...
Had he informed me about this incident. It would have been easy for him... i could be a moral as well a real support for him.... I really felt sorry that i could be of no help.

But one thing i realized from this incident was that- whatever the situation be, We need to share it with our family and close friends because it is a necessary thing to do....

So, dear friends Sharing please :-)

Sonu Anand

PS. Merry Christmas to you. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes My Dearest Friend,
it is well said "sharing is Joy"....we should always share our Happiness as well as Sadness But in my opinion, As you also said - sadness should only be shared with sumone, you trust a lot & is very close to ur heart...Otherwise you may feel betrayed sumtimes...cause not all people like sharing sadness..:)

But I Would love To Share with you...LOL :)

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