26 December, 2009

The Rajput Warrior

The Rajput Warrior

I have heard of his story from my mother.....
His life is a war..
He is born in today's world..
The war is not against blood and flesh enemies..
but against the circumstances..

His weapons are
no swords or daggers..
but his hard work and wisdom..
No matter how much worse
the situation is,
but he fights it till the end.
And wins most of the times..

One war ends another starts,
A hero does not crib but he fights...
He is still fighting...
with many loses and many wins ,
and with his positivity intact.

Today is his birthday...
and I wish the Rajput warrior
A great and stable life ahead....

Sonu Anand

1 comment:

Priyanka said...

I see in you too fighting spirit buddy :) \\ Rajnish.

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