17 December, 2012

Learning the real language of Communication: reading between the lines

Learning the real language of Communication: reading between the lines

Communication: letting the other person or a group of people know what you want from them. 
That’s what communication is.
I have never believed myself to be a good communicator of what I have wanted. As a kid, I was always clueless how to let people know of my feelings. I was always scared  that it would be denied. This has to do something with my childhood spent in the prison called hostel. I was admitted to a hostel when I was four and a half. So, as you can imagine  when I was out, I was some rat scared of all the cats if I asked my share of cheese.
As, a kid I would not be stubborn. I would ask once if it was a No. I would take that as a Genuine No. I never could learn the art of communication. I never was able to play Communication communication.
Once one of my brothers asked me, why don’t I show stubbornness like other kids or request. What I could say, I was not aware that was the general way to communicate get what you want.
I have always preferred the straight way. Say what you want straight away no beating around the bush. But beating around the bush is the common way. Let it be, why do I care.
I care about just one thing. My growth should not be hampered because of this human stupidity. Because of the flaw in communication in such a wide scale.
I wanted a simple way of communication with minimal contact  with my fellow humans because I love my lone time. I don’t want crowd that is the result of this flawed communication where you read between the lines the thing is this is just a game developed over time to kill time. What can be said simply no we will play. What I can make you understand in one day. I will take more than a month.
Oh! you can’t say things so directly it might hurt.  Oh shut up please…
When I joined my graduation as a communication student everyone was surprised who knew me. They felt I lacked communication skills. And then when I joined theatre as a actor they freaked out.
A person who never attended any cultural event in school. Never participated in any social activity. I would even skip weddings If I was not forced to go by my family. 
I just had a few things I loved to do..
*get up late.
*come back from school
*sit by the tv watch movies.
* go play with my few friends.
* come back home.
*pretend to study and then sleep.
My whole school was pretty this much and when I say this much it is this much.
Then came +2
*Hanging out with new set of friends. 4-5 of them.
* watch movies
*  this is it.
* add day dream about movies and being in them.

So, when I was in Grad. I went to college again a few friends. And then the theatre.
After a while I started ignoring college and mostly concentrated on theatre. When I say concentrated. I put myself to learn that craft because I crazily wanted to learn Drama, acting and every aspect related to it.
Never felt the desire to play along the communication playground. I was getting what I needed with a lot of difficulty of course but I was getting. I was always annoyed at people why don’t they talk straight say what they want of me.
But no it is such a fun game.
As an actor when we performed. The director said you need to read between the lines.
Between the lines means what is being said said. And what the real meaning is in what is being said said.
I never cared because I never needed to.
I got friends who would agree to my conversation.. accept me as I am.
But till I was a student my communication style didn’t hamper my progress. In fact, I excelled as a theatre student because of my concentration and focus to what I wanted.
But when I came to the real world.
Where work, money and power resides.
It slowly started to sink in ..
Reading between the lines is important. A different approach to communication is required.
In my personal space I can say what I mean and when ever but not where politics exist there you have to play the game of communication. Play on..
Because in professional as well as personal space..
People say something and mean something else..
That’s the catch, you need to read between the lines..
If  I can’t read between the lines. I need to get ready to be pushed over, tumbled and even crushed.
Being who you are is fine. But you need to communicate and let people know what you want from them and how much you can give them.
Speaking is important be it straight or  the real meaning may hide between the lines.
As, if you are clear you are free.
Isin’t ???

15 December, 2012


Guilt of Insulting a fictional character!!!

I have been living with a guilt. Felt like an opportunist who uses other people’s misery. You can say something like that news reporter who asks after a dear one dies how do you feel???
I am a writer and I write about  life. The way I see writing is painting the picture as it is and a little beautification and joining the dots. Nothing else. I say you can create only from what is there. Writing is not magic that you create something from the air.. or  something that doesn't exist.. You only make a tree if you had the seed in the first place.. Obviously a person has imagination but they can imagine what they have seen before.. like I have seen a bird fly.. I know there is a idea called flying.. so a human may also fly.. I write it down and name that person Superman. The same thing goes for inventions too… wright brothers had the concept of flying that is the reason they tried to invent airplanes and finally accomplished it.
What I coming to is that taking inspiration and being inspired by life is not wrong but healthy. What is wrong  is going overboard or humiliating that sketch of a real person on whom you have based the character. Obviously, they will never be able to know. Reading about them they will not know it is them. They will think the character is so similar to them.
Oh I keep deviating from the main issue.. The thing is when you insult a fictional person. You cannot apologize. And you have to live with that.  I did so in a short film that I was writing. Everything was good about the film.. I had written mostly as I had known the story. The girl is forced into sex trade. What I did was named the film WHORE.. just because people will be attracted to it and they will see it. Because according to the trend these controversial title’s work well. (I think i did it because of this.. i don't know)

I am so sorry for being insensitive. I cannot say how bad I have felt. Not because what people will think about my thought process. Okay somewhere that is there too. But when I won’t insult a real person in life no matter how they behave with me. I don’t do that to the fictional one too. even if they are mere reflections of the real person. I don’t want to sound like a person who would profit himself with the misery of someone else. If the story comes forward  in front of people it should only be to make them aware. Not, every story is entertainment. And it is sad to be using monkey tricks.
I don’t think I am going to do  this again.  What I don’t like personally I should not do.
If I feel guilty that means I made a mistake .. the sad part is I can’t say sorry to Sunaina.
I just want to tell her I wrote her story with honesty. I just goofed up to make it popular which is not necessary.
Hope it is made and I am renaming it to Sunaina.
Because the story is about a fighter who comes out of a difficult situation and finds life. Full Stop. 

14 December, 2012

blissful life

Ah Blissful life!!!
I had a moment
I felt ecstasy
Where you may ask
Here a while ago
When I felt my head may burst into pieces
Here when I was helping a small girl learn her lines
The lines I had wrote
I was getting furious
With her excuses
Why she could not remember before
Why she can’t speak hindi properly
And with her constant questioning
How I became a writer and so on
Everyone calling me here there and everywhere.
I had to put make up
Get ready for a shot..
I was acting too
Then rushing to my table and translating  a script
What a day I had..
What a rush it is
To work, work and work
That’s bliss
If you fall in love with your work
That’s what you can carry till the end
Your love for your work..
That is what is constant
Everything all around will keep changing
The people, your bank balance, your age
But your passion towards your work will keep you alive
Put you in a blissful state..
Put you in a blissful state..
If you don’t love your work..
First of all, give yourself a tight slap..
Thank you..
Look, inside of you
There you may find a passion go after it..
And  go after it..
Find an idea to love and your life will be bliss..
Loving humans will not be difficult for you..
Adjusting, making them happy won’t be a pain for you..
But if you hate your work..
You will always look for love in fellow humans..
You may find it
You may not..
You may lose it
You may retain
But love for passion will be there
Be passionate
And live it up..
Don’t drag live a blissful life
And be alive truly
And point to be noted my lord, never be dependent on another atom
Never ever!!!

29 November, 2012

losing myself!!!

Loy Saab, The feel for our Chetna Epi.

I am losing myself…

The control is slowly slipping away
Don’t seem to know where I go
What I do
I m living in a trance
The days are passing as if I am in a dream
 Can’t distinguish between the dream or the reality
My reality is you and everything things focused on you

Who am I

I seem to have forgotten
I only know who you are
You are the one whose presence makes me alive
As you go I am unconscious waiting for you to wake me up
I seem to have lost myself
Forgotten who I am
Only you are the truth
Only you are the reality
Nothing else exists without you

How am I going to live this life
I sleep walk with you in my mind all the time…
I am drowning in my own thoughts
Unable to breathe when I realize you are so far
When will my conscious break and I will turn sane or insane
I don’t know
But I know I am not in my senses

I am just dragging, hoping you come and hold my hand …
I will find my self when we are together..

Or I will always remain incomplete
Always unless you are a part of me..

You are my existence
You are the air I breathe
You are the soil I stand on
You are what is there for me
Everything is you and without you there is nothing

I am losing my self…

Help me
Oh please help me

Find myself
Or I will vanish in the thin air without any trace


28 November, 2012


" how easy it is, Doctor, to be a philosopher on paper, and how hard it is in life"

- Trepleff to Sorin  in Chekhov's Seagull.

20 November, 2012

A poem or nothing!!!

Poetry has kept me alive
Rhyming the words
Placing them in a proper sequence
Taking them out of my heart
One by one
Giving them the shape of a poem
They are my emotions
Enclosed in the wall of a poem
Out of my heart
So that I could be free
But they are emotions
Sticky as they are
 they seep back in
And I fail to be free
And the words lose their significance
And it just becomes a simple poem
Just an entertainment for whoever reads the words
Sometimes pity
Sometimes ignorance
Sometimes empathy
And Sometimes sympathy  
But what is it to me
My pain only I can feel
I hide it behind my aloofness
I hide it behind my smile
But the hurt , the joy
Everything’s there
No matter what I say
I don’t think I am really true
And I don’t know if we can ever be..
If it was only truth that we said
Our conversations would be so messed up
But the fact remains
Some day’s I am even fake to me…
That’s why I don’t believe in my words
Only what I do  
Only what I do
And honestly, that’s me
Not even I can hide
My words are not me
but my actions are
That’s all there is to say..
Gods knows if this poem is also fake from the fake part of my fake heart
for the fake mind of yours.

PS. Everything’s an illusion to me… everything’s a joy everything’s a lie everything’s a truth everything’s love everything’s hate everything’s important and last but not the least everything’s meaningless 

19 November, 2012

my love story has started & i am the new age Romeo !!!

Time to start loving you. Hey,our love story starts today. I knew i was a little ungrateful kind of person but this much even i have to admit, i was thankless...you kept me alive and i ignored you talked bad about you. Told people you were not important. Told them you are a duty for me and nothing else. You are in my life because i have no option.. Damn!!! I so hate myself for the arrogance I know you are forgiving and godly. So, Lets start a new chapter. Where i love and care for you passionately and then you love me back. How is the deal??? What you quoting me Paulo Cohelho " if you love in expectation of being loved back you are wasting your time"... blah blah blah... okay okay okay i will love you and hope you love me back.. that's fine with you right. No pressures.. is it??? But you know the real pressure is on me... because i have not fallen in love with you that everything i do for you is on auto-mode. I have decided to love you. And that's a very different thing altogether.. 

But don't you worry love. You have all the ingredients to be loved. You are sweet, salty, spicy and pricey. Who will not love you. You are sweetheart of many. Many have ruined themselves for you.Most of the folks i know love you. I am going to be your new age Romeo and You are going to make me look Super Awesome by giving me special attention. 

Oh, you food particles. I promise to never ignore you again. Accept me, Help me and love me. Cheers to the new beginning. Believe my love and add weight to my life. :-)

Loving as well as Sincere 

Sonu Anand

04 November, 2012

so you want to be a writer- Tom O'Bedlam

so you want to be a writer

if it doesn't come bursting out of you

in spite of everything,

don't do it.

unless it comes unasked out of your

heart and your mind and your mouth

and your gut,

don't do it.

if you have to sit for hours

staring at your computer screen

or hunched over your


searching for words,

don't do it.

if you're doing it for money or


don't do it.

if you're doing it because you want

women in your bed,

don't do it.

if you have to sit there and

rewrite it again and again,

don't do it.

if it's hard work just thinking about doing it,

don't do it.

if you're trying to write like somebody else,

forget about it.

if you have to wait for it to roar out of you,

then wait patiently.

if it never does roar out of you,

do something else.

if you first have to read it to your wife

or your girlfriend or your boyfriend

or your parents or to anybody at all,

you're not ready.

don't be like so many writers,

don't be like so many thousands of

people who call themselves writers,

don't be dull and boring and

pretentious, don't be consumed with self-love.

the libraries of the world have

yawned themselves to sleep

over your kind.

don't add to that.

don't do it.

unless it comes out of

your soul like a rocket,

unless being still would

drive you to madness or

suicide or murder,

don't do it.

unless the sun inside you is

burning your gut,

don't do it.

when it is truly time,

and if you have been chosen,

it will do it by

itself and it will keep on doing it

until you die or it dies in you.

there is no other way.

and there never was.

10 July, 2012

baby goat, green grass and her blissfull life.

A baby goat was grazing on the slopes…

Free of any thought

Free of any burden

Free of any attachment

The moment for the baby goat

Was her and the green grass

Only they two existed for her.

The baby goat unaware of her past or future

Was in bliss

In ecstasy …

Enjoying every bit of the green grass

She was unaware the winter would come in a few months…

She was unaware of the wolves that lived near by…

She was unaware of them all…

At the moment, it was only the green slopes full of green grass

The herdsman saw her in bliss…

And felt a touch of jealousy

He too hoped not to think of his future

Which he could not control anyway…

And forget the past as well, which too he could not change…

He saw her grazing and said to himself…

This moment, now…

My present is so blissful, so full of positivity, so full of love..

The sun is not so harsh

The herd is grazing..

I am too lying on the cushioned grass..

Staring at the trees..

Eating the mangoes that I have collected..

In spite of knowing,

My present is soooo beautiful

Why I’m not in bliss

Like that baby goat…

Why I cry over my past

Or sweat over the coming future…

As, these words were running through his head…

He noticed, the baby goat stopping and as she looked around

She said, “meee hhh meehhhh.” In bliss

And went back to grazing the green grass.


06 July, 2012

been Dead for a while!!!

I have been dead for quite sometime!!!

Not realizing I was dead, I went on my business
Doing things, living, trying to find meaning
Of the things I was doing.
Of the life I was living
Feeling a stench …
Not realizing why,
People were distancing from me…
Now, I know why
They were seeing a soul less body.

What I couldn’t see…. They could…
They saw that the soul less body was decaying…

They saw my smile
They heard my talks
They smelled my presence
& realized the hollowness of it all..

They spoke among themselves…
Told each other
That he is a ghost;
Of who he used to be..
He is of no use now…
He is dead now.
When did i become conscious of my death
I can’t say
But yes I did….

I realized I was decaying…
The light had gone
The joy was gone..
The soul had departed…

But not anymore…
I have been blessed with yet another chance…
in this case they say it is never too late
it is never to early..
all that is needed is the restlessness to be alive 
to live ... to go through each moment consciously...

I am alive now
My joy , my life is not hollow now…
My smile is genuine now…
My words are meaningful now..
I make sense now…

I have accepted the reason of my being…
I have accepted my purpose…
I have accepted my heart’s plight…
I know now,
 what can stir me
 through all the meaninglessness
 that comes our way…

I won’t give up on it this time…
I won’t let myself rot again…
I won’t let my soul fall silent again…
I won’t give up on my dream again…

I know now,
The worth of my dream for my soul
I know now,  
My dream is to my soul
What my heart is to my body…
I won’t let it die again..
My soul won’t suffocate again…
It will not be alone again
It will never be alone again..


09 June, 2012

no no no

No no no

Everyday you wake
Everyday  brushing your teeth
You tell yourself with a smile
 today is going to be perfect
But when the sun sets so does your smile
Again its not what you wanted it to be

No no no

Tomorrow when you wake
Tomorrow when you brush your teeth
You again tell yourself,
This time with a bigger smile
Not that today is going to be perfect
You say; “I am going to make today perfect”.
Yes you will
By taking the charge
Of who runs your life

You you you
Only you

You will do what you wanna do
You will hear what you wanna hear
You  will listen to the rhythm of your heart.

You only agree to your duty
You agree to only what is just
You agree only to what your heart approves..

And to the rest
You will say No

No no no

Though a negative word
It  has positivity in it..

To shield you from the hurt
To shield you from the guilt
To shield you from the cruel
To shield you from the manipulators
To shield you from the politicians.

And what is yes,
A positive word , Oh Yes..
So it is too for the cunning conspirators
Taking advantage of your acceptance
Taking advantage of your indulgence…

These two words yes and no.
Holds the key to
A peaceful, true, dignified and  beautiful life..

It’s your and only your call as to what you want
If you know the perfect use of these
Good for you
If not just keep doing what the blood pumping machine  says…
 And You know what,
It is right most of the times.

And when you are fully trained in the art
End of the day will be with a smile too.

31 May, 2012

too many eyes!!!

Too many eyes!!!  Too many invisible walls!!!

I walk around
I talk to people
I hear them
I think
I see
I can go anywhere I want to
I can do whatever I want to
As you say to me
I am a free man
I don’t think so
I am a prisoner of you
I am a prisoner
I am never free and will never be

Too many eyes !!! too many invisible walls!!!

All the eyes that stare me
All the thought that provoke me
All the talks that ridicule me
All the ears that analyze me
All the tongues that talk about me
Makes me a prisoner
Of the invisible walls
The prison guards are the eyes
That are always vigilant
That are always judging
That are always taunting

I feel

The walls are crushing me..
I will never be free
Nor will you

Too many eyes !!! too many invisible walls!!!

Won’t let me or you
All the actions
All the responses
Everything i do is just the exact response
That the prisoner in the state prison does
All the thoughts and words that we feel, say or write are
An slaves reaction
A   …

Also the obligation to finish this poem in a proper way ;
 when I feel  I am done and have nothing to say
Nothing else
But  a response

Too many eyes, too many invisible walls

I will try to break free
And be free
Wont finish it this time…
Call me a rebellion an idiot or whatever you will
But I wont fall in line this time
I will do what pleases me not care about you..
Or this response also matches the slaves reaction to be proved
To be proven free.


What a circular life…

Such a big universe still nowhere to go…
Just my well and my fellow frogs…
Welcome aboard to the prison of life..
Let me know if you find a way out…
Through the philosophies, books or even your stubborn ness..
When your done pass on the key to me…
I will be indebted to you all my life…


What the hell!!

Too many eyes; too many invisible walls…

Not a clue which way to go..

26 March, 2012

Childhood (loved this poem)

Childhood Childhood, sweet and sunny childhood, With its careless, thoughtless air, Like the verdant, tangled wildwood, Wants the training hand of care. See it springing all around us -- Glad to know, and quick to learn; Asking questions that confound us; Teaching lessons in its turn. Who loves not its joyous revel, Leaping lightly on the lawn, Up the knoll, along the level, Free and graceful as a fawn? Let it revel; it is nature Giving to the little dears Strength of limb, and healthful features, For the toil of coming years. He who checks a child with terror, Stops its play, and stills its song, Not alone commits an error, But a great and moral wrong. Give it play, and never fear it -- Active life is no defect; Never, never break its spirit -- Curb it only to direct. Would you dam the flowing river, Thinking it would cease to flow? Onward it must go forever -- Better teach it where to go. Childhood is a fountain welling, Trace its channel in the sand, And its currents, spreading, swelling, Will revive the withered land. Childhood is the vernal season; Trim and train the tender shoot; Love is to the coming reason, As the blossom to the fruit. Tender twigs are bent and folded -- Art to nature beauty lends; Childhood easily is moulded; Manhood breaks, but seldom bends. David Bates

12 March, 2012


(force may help bring temporary changes but only love can bring a lasting one)

Only love can!!!

you may throw water on me or cajole me with a cup of coffee
i will get up both ways...

you may slap me or cajole me still i will do what i deem right,
you may snatch or request still i will give...
as hate doesn't move me,

Only love can!!!

So it is with everything and everyone in this world.

everyone knows
everyone believes
everyone agrees

Only love can!!!

but we don't

love is so easy
love's like water
it reaches everywhere
it keeps us alive.

without love we are better dead than alive
without love life is a burning flame

the heat, the fire, the smoke and the ashes.

forces us to shut our eyes
cover our selves
once we are covered
we can't see, hear, smell, speak or feel:

converting humans into devils
when we have blocked our five senses
we really don't care,
if we hurt others,
kill others or suppress others.

We all become demons;
who only knows;
who only like the dripping of blood,
dripping of tears...

Only love can
stop all this.

When we love
we are open
the five senses work at their best;
we see, we hear, we smell, we speak
we feel others.

we love
there's coziness in love
the coldness is not detachment
but a better way to perceive goodness...

it brings us close
we care for others as we
care for ourselves
that's the state
we need to be in...
that's what everyone needs to achieve...

which ,

             ONLY LOVE CAN!!!


29 February, 2012

Meetings & partings…

Meetings &  partings…

It started as a 9 day boy.
I started recognizing my mother,
Every time,  I could not see her
Don’t  remember what the feeling was but I cried.
As a 9 day boy.

Meetings & partings…

It was on roll when I was four & a half…
I was taken to a distant place away from my siblings…
My gods were with me…
They handed me to a stranger in a strange place
And vanished…
This time, I cried hard…..
For hours and days at length.
Hoping my gods will hear…
But it turned out they were mere humans …
& could only hear inside a 30 mts. Radius.

In my adult life,

Meetings & partings

Became a way to live.
So many lovers I had
So many I loved
Some came
Some went   
Sometimes they left
Sometimes I asked them to…
Heart broke every time,
Tears rolled every time,

Meetings & partings

When acquaintances were not on a deeper level
It hurt less but it did…
The duration didn’t matter
What mattered was
Who touched inside
Who touched the pumping heart inside…

So many have touched 
  Over time, that
A concrete layer of dirt has made it numb…

Now,  meetings and partings

Don’t matter much they are mere occurrences

Happy for new ones
But the partings don’t create any tremor
I just wait for the next meetings

Meetings & partings are a part of life….

08 February, 2012

कुछ है

कुछ है जिसे मैं समझ नहीं पा रहा हूँ,  
कभी कभी कुछ नहीं; फिर भी ये बेचैनी क्यूँ है
कभी कभी कुछ नहीं; फिर भी दिल इतना परेशान क्यूँ है
कभी कभी कुछ नहीं; फिर भी सिने में ये दर्द क्यूँ है...

क्या है जिसे में समझ नहीं पा रहा हूँ...
ना किसी का चेहरा
ना किसी के आने की उम्मीद
ना किसी से मिलने की उम्मीद
ना किसी की खुशी
ना किसी का गम...
क्यूँ मैं समझ नहीं पा रहा हूँ...
ना ये ग़ुरबत मुझे शर्मिंदा करती है
ना ही मेरी काबिलियत मुझे अहम देती है
ना खुबसुरती, ना बदसूरती मेरे लिए मायने रखती है
ना ही माननेवालों से, ना ही ना माननेवालों से मुझे कोई मतलब है

फिर वो कुछ क्या है जो मुझे बेचैन कर रहा है...
जब मुझे किसी चीज़ से कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता
तो सिने में ये दर्द क्यूँ है..
कोई ना कोई उम्मीद जरुर मेरे अंदर घर बनाये है
सच है ये की मेरे अंदर उमीदों का अम्बर है
ऊपर ऊपर से सोच ना और महसूस करना
कितना आसान है ;
और बगैर उम्मीद होना कितना मुश्कल
कभी तो वो दिन आएगा जब
ना खुशी मुझे हँसाएगी, ना गम मुझे रुलाएगा...

जब वो दिन आये तब आये
हाय! पर आज ये दिल बड़ा बेक़रार है
और ना जाने क्या इससे सताए है.
कुछ है जो मैं समझ नहीं पा रहा हूँ...

06 February, 2012



तुम्हें क्या लगता है .... जिंदगी क्या है ?

सोचता हूँ तो समझ नहीं पाता,
ज़िंदगी क्या है... हर उम्र में इसके मायने बदले हैं मेरे लिए,
हर घड़ी इसका मतलब बदला है मेरे लिए.
हर सुबह नया कारण मिला है जीने के लिए .

किसी एक परिभाषा में नहीं समां सकती ज़िंदगी ;
इसके मायने एक से कभी नहीं रहते .

आज जो मेरे लिए ज़रुरी है
कल कोई अहमियत नहीं रखता .

ज़िंदगी को समझने की कोशिश करना
ज़िंदगी की बर्बादी है ...

जीवन को जीना और जो मेरे साथ हो रहा है उससे महसूस करना .
यही ज़िंदगी है .

ना ही इसका मतलब है
ना ही यह बेमतलब है .

यह ब्रह्माण्ड की तरह ही अपार है

ज़िंदगी सही भी है और गलत भी ...
ज़िंदगी काली भी ही और सफ़ेद भी .
ज़िंदगी प्यारी भी है ज़ालिम भी
ज़िंदगी उत्तेज़ना भी है संवेदना भी .
ज़िंदगी जीने में भी है मरने में भी.

हर वो चीज़ जो ज़िंदगी में है मुझ में भी है

ना मैं अच्छा हूँ ना मैं बुरा हूँ
मैं ब्रह्माण्ड का एक कण हूँ जो उसमें है वो मुझ में है.
ना ज्यादा है ना कम .

आज मुझे इतनी समझ है ज़िंदगी की ...
जो अपार है उससे समझ में बंधना समझदारी नहीं लगता मुझे.

जीता हूँ मस्ती में;
क्यूंकि जिंदा हूँ .
जब तक रहूँगा तब तक मस्त रहूँगा ;
जब नहीं रहूँगा तब क्या रहूँगा ...

-    - सोनू आनंद 

where are you ?

It’s been long
It’s been a lifetime
The last time
I was with you
I can’t remember
I can’t feel your touch

My eyes can’t distinguish you from others
My nose can’t smell you…

Oh! How much I long
Long. For that simple touch

Oh! How much I long, for your sight, your smell, for you..
I waited long patiently,

But the clocks ticking…

Where are you?

I have not gone looking for you.
Only for the fear of taking someone else as you…
What this life is all about I fail to understand…
I am skeptical of losing you before finding

The fear is increasing
As I have already
Meet few of our disguises…
But I found out at the right moment and better sense prevailed in me…
I am thankful for that
Thankful to the bodies that organize life…
For giving me the hint timely.

Sometimes I wonder
What if; I never find you
Or I find you after I have someone else’s company

What would I do?
It would be tough and bad I know…
That’s why I am waiting…

Your company is necessary for me to gain more points in this human life!!!
And if I am lucky to have your side as always…
The time is not far when we will not have to appear in this test of life again and again..
And we will be one forever.

But for that
I require your assistance and you require mine…
So ,
Where are you


Nervous as hell;;;;
Why is that; the thing you care for more is the hardest to get makes you sweat the most
All  the other things that you don’t want comes to you easy.
But what you love makes you sweat like a pig…
Just like the girl you are in love with…
When it comes to her you become dead…
Your heart skips a beat…
It is because you care for her you love her…
Same is the case with the thing you want to do…
So keep breathing!!!

i'm weak

written long back...

I’m weak
I’m a slave
Inside a cage without a lock
I’m a human
I’ve a heart
I feel
I care
For good hearts, bad hearts , broken hearts, cunning hearts, shrewds hearts, selfish hearts….
I do feel
I do care

So am I
Inside a cage without a lock….

Just like sweet, cute beautiful birds are put in a cage locked at first….
That’s when the bird forgets it’s flight
The locks are thrown away…
By the bad hearts
Either the bird falls in love with the cage or the owner
May be the question
But the truth is
Somewhere deep inside
It knows it’s reason for life is the wings and its use is to fly…
Though forgotten for a while…
One day it’ll realize
And it will fly
So will I
From the cage where I am the prisoner for a while…

04 January, 2012

loved this

a fact is a fact
& a tale is a tale,
But where no one passed
      there runs no trail;
What was not planted
         bears no seeds;
What did not happen
         no rumour breeds.

- from a moldavian fairy tale

A Stories Journey

  Every story has a journey. Every story has it's own path that it will take to reach it's destination.   Every story is like a rive...