31 December, 2009
All your problems..
Are because of you.
Patience, forgiveness, sympathy
You do not have…
Why you forget
You are a simple man
Not some emperor
Who will have his own
On whatever he wishes…
All your problems..
Are because of you.
The world you live in
Is very complex
The way you feel about you
Is felt by others about them
Realize this and understand….
Everyone thinks
He is justified, He is the best
So do you…
All your problems..
Are because of you.
What perfection you look for in others,
When you have not been able to achieve,
The so called perfection…
What I, I and I .
When your god takes a human form
He loses perfection.
So realize, perfection is a myth…
But hard work and sincerity is not,
Be compassionate with others…
As since your childhood you have known,
You get what you give. ..
So, work towards the myth
And know that…..
All your problems..
Are because of you.
Sonu Anand.
26 December, 2009
The Rajput Warrior
I have heard of his story from my mother.....
His life is a war..
He is born in today's world..
The war is not against blood and flesh enemies..
but against the circumstances..
His weapons are
no swords or daggers..
but his hard work and wisdom..
No matter how much worse
the situation is,
but he fights it till the end.
And wins most of the times..
One war ends another starts,
A hero does not crib but he fights...
He is still fighting...
with many loses and many wins ,
and with his positivity intact.
Today is his birthday...
and I wish the Rajput warrior
A great and stable life ahead....
Sonu Anand
25 December, 2009
Sharing please.....
I wonder why it is said we should not share things that are not so good....
Now i am talking here about our problems or the condition we have in our lives....
We are told share the happiness while try to keep sad things to yourself.
I don't think it is done just because we fear that we will be ridiculed by others...
why can't we take a chance try to share our sadness....
As, it is rightly said in a hindi proverb: Sadness decreases with sharing while happiness increases
The reason i wrote this post today is that one of my dear friend had an accident and he is living far-off from his family. He had a bike accident recently and had to be on (almost) bed rest for three weeks.... The thing is i came to know about it today and when i recalled i remembered i had called my friend on 1st or 2nd of December considering a visit to his place for a week but he seemed to be busy... so i dropped the plan...
Now, i come to know that he had a accident and had to cope with this problem alone...
Had he informed me about this incident. It would have been easy for him... i could be a moral as well a real support for him.... I really felt sorry that i could be of no help.
But one thing i realized from this incident was that- whatever the situation be, We need to share it with our family and close friends because it is a necessary thing to do....
So, dear friends Sharing please :-)
Sonu Anand
PS. Merry Christmas to you. :-)
17 December, 2009
"I am going back "
Not forever..
I need to find something.
something that gave me energy to work countless hours..
something that gave my efforts an edge..
something that was responsible for my efforts being pure..
something that traveled with me a thousand miles.
Now i have lost it somewhere,
I want my dreams back.
I tried to look for it here,
but couldn't find it,
where has it gone,
I think time has done the damage.
I am certain, not to find it among people with lost dreams..
It's chaotic.......
I need to go back..
and feel the simplicity,
With faces full of dreams.
I am not the same anymore..
I am behaving normal these days..
I need to dope on my dream..
I don't want to be logical and calculated...
With my dreams i am insane..
I want that insanity back.
Sonu Anand
16 December, 2009
my blog was unavailable for 2 days....
it expired on 13th night... and since i was travelling was unable to do antthing abt it.... My friend sujit philipose had registered that domain name so only he could ve renewed it ..... and i was able to contact him yesterday....and finally my blog was back on track from 15th midnight... really felt something was missing when could not open my blog.... Btw do read the previous blog which went unnoticed because of the problem ....
Sonu Anand
13 December, 2009
My friend asked me to answer some questions on blogging for her assignment.
NAME: Sonu Anand
My friend asked me to answer some questions on blogging for her assignment
1. Is Internet the most consumed media for you? What about other media habits?
No, it is not true for me at least, I watch a lot of television, watch every weeks new releases, read news papers. But yes, internet is a part of life now without being online for a few hours it feels uneasy… So, I am planning to buy a black berry mobile so that I can be online 24 hours ( smiles) and then Internet will be the most consumed media for me.
2. When did you start blogging?
I don't remember exactly but I think I started around November'08. It was friend Sujit Philipose who opened sonuanand.co.cc on blogger.com for me and having a website in my name inspired me to blog more.
3. How often do you blog?
Since I love to blog I try to keep posting regularly my target is 2-3 posts a week but sometimes due to work or on some days you don't feel like writing…. the average comes to once a week.
4. Why do you blog? (reasons and motives behind it)
Why I blog……….( thinks)…I do it because somewhere I feel satisfied that I can share what I think I can reach out to people…. It is a overwhelming experience to know people have read your thoughts and even commented on it. Also, here I think my personality comes in picture as I am a person who keeps to himself most of the time in spite of being an actor I am shy and introvert if you want to say it that way….. So, I need a window where I can release whatever is inside me… or I feel suffocated... as being a person interested in arts… I have the urge to express my self…. I will like to give you my poem where I have discussed why exactly I want to write… It will give you a clear picture. http://www.sonuanand.co.cc/2009/05/i-want-to-write.html
5. What are the general topics? How do you select them?
For me there is nothing as general topic or anything…. Name of my blog is "Learning the right way" so I discuss what is happening in my life what is a right way… or what I learned by some experience. If I choose a different subject from the society that is not really a part of my life then it has to be close to my heart. While bloging I think with my heart and my mind is at rest at that time.
6. Does your education/ profession affect your writing style, concerns, issues?
Definitely it does…… Yes whatever I write is somewhat happenings of my professional life and my writing style is because of the good or bad education that I got. And since I earn a livelihood from my professional life this is the only issue and concern of my life and when I get time and every thing is smooth in my professional life I may touch other topics.
7. What is the nature of the stuff on your blog? Is it simply text, photo blogging, pod casting, etc.?
It is simply text and photos sometimes to support the blog post.
8. Do you receive any comments on your blog? Any unknown ones? Do you reply to that? Does it generate any sort of discussion?
Yes, all the time. If my post is good I get good responses and if it is bad there are no comments J Yes I reply to each and every comment as it is necessary, your motive of bloging is that people read it, same goes with comments, conversation started has to carry forward, as it shows you respect the person who has read and commented on your post. To the last part of your question ya, sometimes discussions do happen but not all the time as most readers don't contradict your views if they do not agree they choose not to comment. As, no one wants to be in the bad books of anyone or to say hurt anyone but some head strong people do start a discussion .
9. Do you have any followers? If yes, how many? What kind of feedbacks do you receive?
Yes , I do have followers. My blog is followed by 7 readers and many who don't wish to be registered but they follow. As one of them is my brother. When I didn't blog for 10-15 days he said what happened to your blog… I read it and really like it so keep writing. So, you can never exactly know how many people exactly follow your blog. About feedbacks they are encouraging. They boost-up your enthusiasm level.
10. Which other blogs do you read? Do you follow anybody? Why?
I read many blogs around 10-15 of them regularly. Yes, I follow quite a few blogs the reason being I am interested in the content what the blog owners write. For example there is a blog by my blog friend Smita she reviews books on a regular basis and I being a keen reader read regularly to know what books she has read and I find her reviews authentic most the time better than newspaper reviews.
11. Do you indulge in Twitter/ Micro blogging?
No Priyanka….not yet but I plan to maybe after I get my blackberry J
12. Do you feel being in a position of sender while blogging? Do you consciously use any medium? (with intention of bringing about some change or results?)
Yes, and when you ask me do I consciously use any medium to bring about change then I would like to say no….. I don't write to bring change I just want to express. If my writing affects somebody well and good but to write something to get some results or change the society makes it fake. Even if you see for example films I will say a film made to spread across a message fails real bad for ex. "Swades".. the whole film was good to watch but it was preachy and no one likes people who are preachy…. As they have lived such a long part of live learning and under pressure… that they hate things that are preachy in life, everyone wants relief when they look for entertainment they want entertainment and if you take example of "Rang De Basanti" it was out and out fun and drama film. It was a hit because it didn't try to be preachy it said a story and people got the moral of the story and took it in positive stride. So, taking these things in mind I write what I feel not what I want others to feel.
13. Do any social relationships get formed while blogging? (virtual social interactions) Do you meet them socially?
Yes, those people who come regularly to your blog become your friends and you wait for their comment and when you don't see their comment in a day or two you call them up and ask why they have not read your latest post till now. I have not meet any one by now but I am going to meet one of my blog friends soon.
14. Will you prefer Blog over E-mail? Why?
Any day, because blogs are not address specific…. The reach of blog is larger more than the E-mail addresses you know.
15. Which happening in the society might lead you to blog?
I have not written about society till now and may not write until I feel affected by something. Something that makes me want to speak out.
16. Is credibility of information losing because of blogs?
No, It is a misconception. A blog is no news website
17. Do you think mainstream media takes notice to certain issues if you write something on your blog? (Eg, the 'Pink Chaddi Campaign' started as a blog campaign and became a concern for the whole world)
Yes, if a particular post manages to draw a larger audience or excite certain media persons.
18. Do you think blogging will be a strong medium in mainstream media in 5 years from now?
No, as it is free for everyone to do it. It will be a medium but not that strong. As blogs are referred to as personal opinion of individuals. But I agree that it will be a voice it maybe feeble but there will be sound.
19. Do you feel Blog censorship should be there?
I don't think there is a need of censorship for blogs as it is a personal choice of an individual as to visit particular blog site or not. We should consider an adult mature enough to take their decisions. Blogs are no television that a child while changing channels can come across. But the people need to be aware of the government as it can try to control like the Chinese government is doing but we being a democracy need not worry. But if it happens in our country I know the junta can handle it and make the government pay for it by replacing them next time . J
20. What are the negative aspects of Blogs?
There are no negative aspects…….(thinking) …….I can think of only one some idiots can be abusive in their language which may hurt the sentiment of the reader but the reader has got all right to never visit that idiotic blog again J
PS. Priyanka Bose, my friend a student of Mass communication was doing an assignment on blogging and had prepared a questionire. She wanted me to answer them after answering the questions I thought I should put it in my blog.
Sonu Anand.
09 December, 2009
Almost three years....... 3.
Everything in our life has a saturation point however good that be....... So after working for 2 years with the group my mind started drifting from the work that I did with all my heart. I couldn’t work with my heart as time had put in all kinds of experiences with the group good and slightly not good but it was never bad. Also the reason being I wanted to be a director and never took acting seriously otherwise there would have been no reason for drift away from the group. Now, I wanted to complete my college properly as I was losing my grades and work as assistant director in films. So that I can fulfill my clichéd dream of joining films but the way I wanted to do was not right because I was not mature enough to handle breaking from people who had become so close to my heart. I am not saying it just to say because even today whenever I am working Baaji is the first person to come to my mind. If I get any appreciation I can tell my family they congratulate me they are proud of me but I feel uneasy until I have called Baaji and talked to her about what I did. And when she says Keep it up beta, I am proud of you......... I feel great because she is my guru, who has taught me everything I know. She has seen me when I didn’t even the alphabets properly. Now when I can speak even a single line I want to make her happy that her effort is not going waste.
I was in this confused state of mind not knowing what to do..... Just then one day I got a call from Baaji that she has heard that I wanted to quit Ekjute........ I said ‘no’ I never said that to anyone but yes I had said that I feel I have learnt a lot and now I wanted to concentrate on my college and after that want to join some film making course and then do films...... I went and met Baaji and told her what was true...... She said I was told you wanted to join some other theatre group...... I said ‘nooooooooooo’ . She said ok..... and advised me to be careful what I say .....
I was really surprised that she trusted me and didn’t ask anything else... only advised me...
Which is not a common practice as most people by listening to one side only decide what must be the truth....
Don’t know what to write but I just want to say on 7th December’09, I completed 3 years with Ekjute theatre group and the time I have spent with the group has really been fruitful and will really be an inspiration for my future.....
I want to be part of the group forever......
Thankyou everyone.....
For making me come back and back to the group.....
on 30th I had gone to meet everyone after 1 month or so.... just for one day....just to meet....
I have been going there regularly after that adjusting my work timings..... for a week now.... :-)
Anyone wanting to join theatre or even films should have a EKJUTE experience....
Sonu Anand
06 December, 2009
Almost three years……2
Time passed by and it was 1 and a half years since I was part of the group. Now I was involved in many productions and I felt confident enough pulling off whatever work I was given. By now, Juhi mam had become Juhi Didi and she pushed me a lot to work hard and sincerely. All this while doing college, took off only before few days of the show or on the day we had the show. Since I had been part of the group for quite some time, almost everyone in the group was part of my life.
EKJUTE runs like a family headed by Mrs. Nadira Zaheer Babbar. We fondly call her Baaji (meaning elder sister). Baaji started Ekjute in 1981 and has run the group successfully till now and will continue to do it. I won’t be talking about EKJUTE here as anyone can google it but about my life with EKJUTE which is inside me not on google.
The true meaning of the saying "hard work pays" I learnt from Baaji. She always says whatever work you do if you have worked hard it shows.... The only way to success is hard work. I have also started believing the saying which i knew was true. Because i never believed in my life i could act.... But now with confidence i can say yes i can...Thank you Baaji
Sonu Anand
To be Contd.
02 December, 2009
Almost Three years…..
I had come to Mumbai with a clichéd dream to work in films :-) … For my graduation ,I applied to various colleges across India but got the first conformation from a Mumbai college….. Wow……My dad …. He immediately decided I should be sent to Mumbai before the other results were even disclosed….. I was really happy that I am going to Mumbai…. The funny part here is that my dad decided on sending me to Mumbai because of the fact that I had no friends here… Heeeee… I tried to appear sad as my friends wanted me to join them in Delhi…
So I was happy and my family was happy… too good…
Without getting into what happened in the first six months with me in Mumbai I will like to share about “almost three years”
My first semester was nearing and it was December…. Me and my roommate Subir were tense as to how we are going to fare in the exams….. as it had been a difficult and boring semester we had realized that our college was going to bore us…. We had no attachment or involvement in with our college nor our college was involved with us….:-) happens …. Happens to many in our country…..
On 6th December I was reading Bombay times……. I read an interview of Juhi babbar in which she had discussed about a workshop that their group did every six months….. I had seen her film and didn’t know anything about theatre… but wanted to act, and direct…. To say straight… I wanted to be a actor and director……. But primary goal was acting…..direction was just for cover … (I think so not sure) Called on the number given in the Ad…. Given by the theatre group which Juhi Babbar had just talked about…
They told me the fee was 7,500(which is 13k today) and student discount will be 1k. So, I took out the money from the ATM…. Called Subir told him about it…..Point to be noted I had never discussed my filmy aspirations with anyone but my eldest brother (pankaj, because this guy doesn’t stop you from dreaming like other people do, So I could not trust anyone with my dream,) . When Subir heard me he didn’t laugh as he shared a similar dream, he came from Arunachal Pradesh and wanted to be a journalist. These days he is with PTI( press trust of India). He covered the last year 26/11 with other senior journalists. He said let’s go to the address given and you join the workshop…… I was a bit apprehensive and scared as will I be able to complete the workshop or will I make a fool of myself….as I was very shy and self conscious (when my other brother Niraj, came to know I had joined a theatre workshop he was surprised as to how I will be able to work there as I was the person who could not speak in front of 4 people, when school held cultural events… I told my family today is holiday, so he was not wrong...) But inside I had a desire to do this workshop as it was part of my dream….
When we reached the venue for registration… seeing a lot of people I said to subir lets go back I don’t think I will be able to do this ….. but he motivated me and when I was filling the form he said Sonu you know we have exams from 23rd dec right and this workshop ends on 21st do you think you will be able to manage……. I looked at him and said yes…. As I won’t be getting another chance for 6 months and don’t know why I felt this is the right place for me….. when I told Hanif ji ( who today is my dear friend and teacher ) who was taking the registration that I am really nervous and I don’t think I will be able to do complete this workshop…. He said do you see the rehearsals going on… everyone there was as nervous as you… each participant will be as nervous as you are …so take it easy and I got the message that these guys treat everyone equally and respect even the newcomers…. I was relaxed as I was in safe hands…… Just then Juhi Babbar came out and said to Subir who was watching the rehearsal if you please outsiders are not allowed inside…. When we were going out he said isn’t she a actress her film had just come….. I said yes… he said she is very beautiful…. I said ya..and we left……. Without realizing that She is going to be my dearest and favorite Juhi didi in the time and years to come………..
To be contd……
Sonu Anand
18 November, 2009
What I am up to is a complex question which I am not in a state to answer …….there is a reason behind that as I want to do things my way what I wish to do ………. I can’t look for approval from everyone….. because not everyone will approve as in life there are people who agree and who disagree with you………people say when there is disagreement then you need to convince what if the person who disagrees has a set mindset…. You can’t change that……Yes, I have faced many humans who believe their way is the right way like that saying my way or the highway….. If you ask me I too may be having those set perceptions which one I can’t say but I definitely have those…..
Now, when I say you can’t look for approval it can also be taken as a way of running away from the situation….. but it is as it is…. I have my own mindset which I can’t change … :-)
It is not a matter of bother for me if I don’t get approval as I have got used to people’s reaction some positive and negative…… I feel it’s my journey I have to create my own road. But it is also necessary for me to discuss with others so that I can judge myself… as self judgment is very important. You can’t live a life thinking whatever you do is going to be right … by discussing with others you get a real picture… and living a real life is better than living in your own world……even if reality is not beautiful …………………
Sonu Anand
22 October, 2009
because i have discovered the reason .....
i was wondering and was almost sure that there has been a problem in my approach towards work and people .....
now, i know...
few days back i was talking to my brother and we were discussing my work and things in my life....
He pointed out what was wrong.....
He said "i was compromising my self respect while working"
And he was true.... i did do that i never replied to my seniors even they were wrong...
fearing the reaction ....
or taking forward the saying " boss is always right"
but now i know i can't work that way ....
i may earn lesss but i need to be happy.... and that can come only if i maintain my self respect....
So, I am really happy that i discovered the flaw in my approach....
So, congratulations to me for a less complex future.....
and thank you Guddu Bhaiya......
Sonu Anand
14 October, 2009
We are all alone
This is what everyone says
But is this true
No one knows
You are in this world
You need people’s support
You need their trust
You need to trust
But are they good enough
Are you good enough
No one knows
But then why do we trust
This is the question
We need to ask ourselves
We need to ask our provider
We need to ask everyone around
why is the trust broken
No one knows
There is a phenomenon
i.e. trusting blindly
this is what everyone dreams of
this is what we desire for
this what we want in our lives
but this can never be achieved
no one knows
we start a relation with a person
hoping that it lead to a height
where a infant and his mother stands
but it never does
never ever does why
no one knows…
the cause for this
is a very easy answer
which all of us know
but are afraid to acknowledge
that deep beneath we all
all of us are unfaithful
we are not trustworthy
we are humans
no one knows….
This very answer we all know
We all have or will
Break someone’s trust
Why we even don’t know
This is why I say
No one knows……..
One thing we all know
We all understand
This language is universal
We may not trust a fellow human
But we trust this thing
Our mistrust gave birth to this lovely thing
This thing equals trust
This thing has saved lakhs of humans
And the thing is PAPER……….
We all know……
# just read this and forget…… nothing wrong with my life happy and trusting.
Sonu Anand
04 October, 2009
Long long time ...... it has been 51 days......
I wonder how fast time flies by........ Everyday i used to think i will write a post and somehow could not manage.......
Many reasons:-
1) No time ( not many times)
2) No net connection ( few times)
3) Nothing to write ( one or two times)
4) No mood to write ( most of the time)
Couldn't make up my mind just to write even though had urge to write but no mood, (weird THOUGHT )
Had been reading posts by friends and realized that the mood of bloging was only not in place. Because many of my regular blogger friends were not writing.
What was I up to I was doing a play that was performed at St. Andrews Bandra was a good experience and have realized no more plays for a long time . Then there was this job that I was doing in a PR firm was an O.K. experience Now no more P.R for a very long time. I would have said never but it is said ‘Never say never’ and we have to believe all this because nothing is in our hands. One thing I have always believed that you should do what you love doing…… but getting that work is not so easy, so we tend to get attracted toward the options available which seem easy but are not…….. so when we have to work hard to find work ……. Then why not work a little harder to find what we love……
In home, dad had a accident. And broke his leg so will be going to stay with him till he is fine again…… work will wait .
Sometimes I feel I write too sad things or to say I concentrate on negative thoughts……. I believe myself to be a positive person inside but when I talk about what happened to me … I get comments from my friends as I am negative….. but why do we expect to say good things even if the reality is not so good……. My believe is to remain positive even if the situation is not but also see the reality…..
What do you think am I negative person or the situation that comes in our lives are negative
Sonu Anand
sonu anand
The real issue is: Do you enjoy working (what u do)? If the answer is “yes” chances are you love what you do and you’ll work hard to improve, get assignments, and succeed!
14 August, 2009
My life in art till now......
It sounds weird to me that I am writng this... about my life as if i
have achieved a lot.
And it takes time and a lot of effort to achieve something that you
can call achievement.
I don't live in fool's paradise nor do i like the company of people
who believe such thing..
I have my own beliefs and so does everyone else. If you are an
achiever or trying to achieve
you must be able to understand what i am trying to convey. I don't
mind if someone looks down on me
for something i am unable to do because i am new at it... this is the
challenge i have to face... I should not stir
for someone else's believe....
I believe....
I know
THis is what matters.... this is what is important because this is my
life.... it will be how i want it to be
... It is not that i am arrogant or don't want to listen to other
people's views but the thing is i understand what i am
and know i am right..... just have to get used to things before
others believe it too because i am new....
We can achieve whatever we want to... we just have to stick
around..... you just be there in the battle field the war
will be won... it is not too hard... It is easy... Just keep
going..... because you know the reason for being there
.... because you belive the reason is true...
Sonu Anand
29 July, 2009
Desires are what you are
It was your desire to be a human,
It was your desire to behave like one ,
It was your desire to live like one ,
That God granted…..
Desires are what you are……
You wished to be loved by all
You wished to be respected by all
You wished to be justified by all
That is what you have made yourself into,
Desires are what you are……
You saw equality ,
You saw compassion,
You saw hate …..
This is what you got
Desires are what you are…..
The world is huge,
So is your desire ,
But the biggest thing is your Conscience
And your weapon is choice……
Choices are what you want from your desires….
Desires are what you are……
Sonu Anand…..
18 July, 2009
My Photos..... thanks to Moon Gogoi.
Now that i am working towards making acting as a career. Desperately needed few photos done. Now, here came my dear friend moon and he clicked my pics. These pics are taken by normal digital camera. He is working as a cameraman. Many friends were telling me to go for professional photographers but i was not into that . One point being i didn't want to waste so much money. If you have heard these photo shoots are very costly.
Second point my opinion is that acting is more important than the photos. Those photo shoots are for models , as i belive in acting the casting directors just need photograph of actors face which is usually called Headshot. To have a idea of how they look. They can't transform the actors into someone else which they don't look like which is done in modelling.
Now, my concentration is doing few roles and know what my acting calibre is ???????????????????
Nobody knows...... done theatre but film and television is a different ball game it is like comparing badminton to lawn tennis. I will give my best. Just hoping it will be considered best by others too. :-)
I had to cut my beard because of the photoshoot very sad. :-(
Sonu Anand

PS. I hate photos worked on photo shop but moon said you have to work on it as these days everybody uses it if they are giving photos for professional use.
So, the first phot is without photoshop and rest two worked. Let me know which one you like most.
15 July, 2009
OH God ! why was i so mean???????????????
Now that we were in a village. I was sad............ i couldnot get whatever i wished for.....
Now, coming back to the point.
when we were at the shop there was a small kid who was a sort of help in that sweet shop and for some reason he started laughing. And i looked at him and didn't like it... I felt he is laughing looking at me . I felt maybe he was looking at my shoe.... and laughing........ Weird and pathetic me.
While we were going back to our place , I told my brother that i am not going to wear this shoe because he was laughing at it....... My brother tried to convince me and i think i didn't wear it again.....
Can't remember any another incident but yes i have done many things which i hate and feel i had not done.... because it hurt someone else..... When we are in the real world and someone else shows meanness then we realize what we have been doing or even before that....... There are two ways in which a person can react .......... He can be more mean or become more polite.... I choose the later.
I am a Happy man.
Sonu Anand
PS. my dear brother it would be nice if you could add your side of the story too in the comment section....
07 July, 2009
20 days of doing nothing............................................................
My college completed on 18th june. I had thought will be working straight after this. Next day i am off to work and to my great great surprise nothing came up......... for 20 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had been working a little before finishing college so knew a few people working in great places and positions and to my great great surprise nothing came up .............. for 20 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally i realized the truth that nothing comes easy, even if you are ready to work hard there are few things everyone one has to follow. So, i made my CV. I had never thought will be doing so. I used to think i have been working since college will get some place some where but nothing came up.............. for 20 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Never thought will be giving interviews and all but when college is completed you realize you are no prince of siberia. You have to slog like everyone else does. Pressure of standing on your own feet takes it's toll and you are all down in the dump. But these off times can make you realize what you really want to do..........
After 20 days of doing nothing I know.
what i wanted to do .......
It took a lot from me first i was staying alone..................
I realized how prisons must be................
because when you don't have any motive you are in prison................
20 days was enough i could have gone mad...............
there were few offers which i could take but where not related to my field........... so i waited and waited.............. Didn't take any of those............
First of all, i want to tell you all i want to be a film-maker............................
i was getting things in PR and journalism ...... ofcourse not through any interview or any thing but through friends................ With whom i had worked so that qualifies for interview as they know your work.
But no work work in film as an Asst. Director.......................... previously there were offers from Serial when i was in college but now when i needed there was none............ :-)
I got really irritated......... and i had done theatre from Dec 2006 till June 2008 and after that rarely because i was doing other things.......................
So, i had ACTING in mind...... but never wanted to give it a try............... really never................
because i really loved doing it.......... i used to think i will do it in theatre as it is much fun and never work for money and other S**t.........
Finally, where am i ............................
I have decided to adopt ACTING as my proffession....................... Had no other way out........
But you know what >>>>>>>>>>>>>
IT IS GOING TO BE REAL FUN ..........................................
Wish me luck and hope to see me soon....
20 days of doing nothing had me discover myself.
Really, this is what i want to do........................
Sonu Anand.
26 June, 2009
money O money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
money O money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
never thought you are so important,
never gave you that importance,
never i had to work for you,
never dreamed i will write for you.
money O money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
always you were there,
always my wallet was full of you,
always you were allotted to me,
always i assumed you as my silent companion.
money O money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but it is hard to keep you around,
but you have a big ego,
but want to be respected,
but you are a dictator.
money O money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how can i follow my dream,
how can i be what i want to,
how can i just be your slave,
how can i just work for you.
money O money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you bring more sadness than happiness,
you make us work like machines,
you result in a lot of enmity,
you turn wise men into crooks.
money O money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i urge you to be lenient,
i urge you to stop punishing people who misuse you,
i urge you to loosen your standards,
i urge you to come easy to wise men too as you come to crooks.
money O money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We expect you to be a bit more forgiving.
Sonu Anand.
22 June, 2009
Where am I ???????????????????
I have just completed my Graduation this month.
Waiting for my result
figuring what to do
Having fun ,
and waiting for real life to begin?????????????????????
Sonu Anand
06 June, 2009
wrrfomlzegybi0523w/ travel
i now say that now you have written, tell me what it is.... he says why you always talk rubbish can't you read that the photographs i saw of yours were nice. this is what i have written........ now he has found interest in the kitchen so he is there helping his mother cook.
Yesterday i was travelling by bus wrote a blog entry on my mobile but when i tried publishing it, don't know what went wrong it vanished no network, no blog.
for last few days i have been travelling started from mumbai to chennai then to hyderabad(now) on monday will be back in mumbai. So was not actively blogging but was reading my friends blogs.
I started my journey from Dadar stn. As usual i had a waiting ticket. I had taken a sleeper tic hoping that tics are more in this class and will get confirm. but NO and since i had booked online it got cancelled. :-)
I have felt these days what ever i have in my mind that is stuck happens....... i had a ( ) in my mind to travel general class once. so here i had a chance bought the ticket for general. There i meet one guy who said he opens the door of the general bogie he said he will get me seated i will have to pay 100rs. i said it will be more than good. when i reached that place with him i saw atleast 200-300 passengers in a queue to board the train............ i told that guy i am coming in 2 mins. he said come back soon or your seat goes. I left that place and said to myself i cannot do this..... I have 100 rs that i can pay but what about those who are standing there for many hours and expecting to get a seat. i said this is not fair. i left i thought i will talk to the TC. to convert my tic to sleeper i will manage. When i was went to that guy he was super busy saying that the train has 80 waiting list passengers and nothing can be done.
I said to myself " sonu you always wanted to travel general once this is your chance." i waited and waited and when the train started i boarded a general compartment.
there was no place to stand.......
i looked inside women children men all packed in like potatoes in a gunny back. ffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.ffffff....
i looked no space ....
children crying ..... men fighting....... women siting ........ i wondered how they move about.........
i could not imagine...... i was standing and reading a book..... it was ok..... no language understood by me...... people talking in marathi or tamil........ nobody was talking to me........ they looked at me like i was a intruder who didnot know how to behave among........
when i had to travel sleeper class i used to say..... to people this government should not run sleeper train.... in this country..... you get the feel of how wheat feels when it is being baked in the oven. only AC trains......
but now what do i say: i say to the government please run all general trains like they are running sleeper trains......
i now understand this country has a long way to go........ when you have currency in your pocket when you feel the whole country is developing every one is like you every one has a bed to lie down in the night when .....................
Finally when the train stopped at Kalyan...... hundreds pushed in again...... can you imagine in space for just 40 passengers they were travelling don't know how much........????????????
i really wonder why this has not happened by now regular and daily all general trains..... GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they say railways is in profit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do something my friend make your fellow humans feel like humans not cattle........ when i used see a truck full of goats or chicken tempos i used to ask my dad why can't they be treated well he used to smile..........................
NOW i know the answer..............
i was suffocated this time when the train left kalyan............ i started waiting for Pune when it came...... i was like .... ohhhh i couldnot get out because after 10 people got down........ 100s charged in. ii ii iii i with alll my strength with request and anger stormed out.....................
one man standing out said" today the train was too packed" i smiled............ relieved but looked back couldnot imagine how can people travel for 24 hrs sitting in same position almost...... they will reach chennai... tomo.......
i went to the TC. now and asked him to fine me and give me a sleeper tic. he did that and you know what i got a confirm birth after 30 mins sitting on the head of the TC. why could not this be done before.................. i have lost my trust in railways............... but this is the best in the world.........????????????? who said so????????????? donno???
Next day, when i started getting baked............. i laughed ???????????????
what can i do.............
Sonu Anand
ps. family don't take note.
02 June, 2009
Can i say Sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my presence disturbs you,
you hate me for reasons unknown,
what is wrong with me..can i know,
lets admit i am simply annoying,
can i say sorry, and will it be fine then.
i said something i didn't mean to,
i did something i didn't want to,
i wrote something i shouldn't have written,
lets admit i was immature,
can i say sorry, and will it be fine then.
i believe you had loved me and i didn't care,
i know you respected me and i couldn't acknowledge,
i realize you thought highly of me and i couldn't rise,
lets admit i was incapable,
can i say sorry, and will it be fine then.
i am sad when i realize what i have done to you,
i am disturbed when i realize how much my words have hurt you,
i am ashamed when i realize my behaviour has affected your self esteem,
lets admit i am human,
begging for another chance,
will keep it straight this time,
can i say sorry, and will it be fine then.
Sonu Anand
PS. there had been few problems regarding viewing of my blog. I have changed the template, didn't want to do it as changing a template is like changing the structure of your house which you love, but since it was creating problems had to do it, changing font colour was not solving the problem. If you find any other problem do let me know without hesitation. As after reading my blog you become my friends and to be true suggestions really help. Suggestions and ....... more than welcome. No offences here. Thank you and keep reading
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