24 October, 2010

Sunny Day

Not every day is a Sunny day.

You wake in the morning,
Completing  first few tasks,
You realize
 today is no Sunny day.

It can't be....

You can't get whatever you wish for every time...
Life is no dream
It is not a party..
where the guest list is according to your wishes..your preference..

Life is a bouquet of flowers..
with variety..
good bad and ugly...

what you don't like pluck it out...
cut it out....
throw it out....

don't accept..


don't accept the ugly flowers.
don't turn around...
face what you got...

because not everyday is a sunny day...

It's true but you can work on for a moonlit night.

Don't sit down;
don't lose SELF belief;
Don't wait for tomorrow to be a sunny day.

As there is no tomorrow.

Tomorrow is nothing but the product of today.

Your hard work
Your sincerity
Your patience
Your persistence

adds up for a Sunny tomorrow.

No matter how long dark days remain....

but you can make your days sunny.

It is you only you who decide....

So what do you decide..

do you realize you have to decide today..

Do you realize you have to decide now.

As there is no tomorrow...


Sonu Anand

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