20 January, 2010

I can feel......

I can feel the wind blow,
full of pollution, full of hate,
full of jealousy, full of guilt.

Why do i feel the wind blow?

because it blows.

Why is the wind contaminated:

A reason is the vehicles, factories and all machinery excretes;

B reason is the black smoke that comes out of our hearts....
out of our human hearts.

hate, jealousy, guilt are all free products of our mind, our heart...

This makes the wind heavier.

Can this contamination be controlled,
Yes, it can be...
We may not be able to control machinery pollution,

but why not we think positive thoughts;
like love, sharing, forgiveness.

this will make our environment cooler and lighter.

Like how Baaji lives;
she is like all of us;

But the wind around her is lighter and cooler.
because of her positivity.

I wish her all the goodness and may her positivity remain intact


Sonu Anand


Sh@s said...

Happy B'Day to Baaji!!

sonuanand17 said...

thanks will convey to her :)

33 Dream Cafe

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